Make sure to have the server running before you run the client.
userconfig file
address = "http://localhost"
websocket = "ws://localhost"
port = 8080
username = "xxx@gmail.com"
password = "xxxx"
host = "smtp.gmail.com"
port = 587
smtpAuth = true
startTls = true
You can configure the file to add your email details. You can edit the 'address' which is the http url of the server. websocket is the websocket url for the server.
running the server
./gradlew bootRun
running the client
./gradlew run
websockets are used in the event overview page. Websockets live sync all aspects of an event: expenses, participants, name changes etc.
used in the admin overview table. long polling is used when creating an event, updating an event or deleting it.
We have full support for foreign currencies including caching on the server. User can choose their preferred currency whenever they want.
We have the three colored standard tags as well as ability to create new custom colored tags.
In the statistics page you can view a piechart with a distribution of tags across all expenses. The piechart colors are based on the tag colors. The piechart contains absolute and relative values shown in your preferred currency.
You can view the sum of all expenses.
You can view the tags in the expense overview in the event overview page.
There is a dedicated scene for managing tags.
You can view the current language on the starting page and the eventoverview. You can click on the flag to change the language, very intuitive.
The preferred language gets saved to the config file. You can download the template via the settings page and fill it in to send it to the admins.
The app out of the box supports English, Dutch and Romanian.
You can specify the date for an expense.
You can decide to eplit equally or within a subgroup.
You can filter expenses, per participant, on either from or to.
When clicking on an expense you can view more details about it.
You can use the app without email config, the buttons would be grayed out. email configuration is fully client side.
The user can configure their gmail credentials in the config file. There is a test button in the invite scene, to see if it worked or not. Using the invite scene you acn invite participants. They are automatically added if they join using a client.
You can easily add/edit participants via the event overview page.
To send a paymnent reminder to a participant, click on the participant and click send reminder.
Some buttons are colored. For example cancellation buttons are colored red, while confirming/accepting buttons are green.
Some buttons are an icon for easier use, like a settings cog or an icon of a person with a plus sign , resembling add new participant.
When doing an irreversible action, we ask for confirmation from the user, just in case.
Whenever the user does something that needs some information, they get a popup with info. For example changing an event title would popup a window telling you if it is successful or a failure.
If a user enters invalid information they get informed.
On the main screen, press the shortcuts button or use the shortcut Alt + H
to view all available shortcuts and where.
Navigation is logical and consistent througout the application and accross different scenes. All scenes have a back button, so you can go back to the last viewed scene.
Using the shortcuts you can create events, add expenses, change the title and more all without touching the mouse.
shortcuts, logical navigation
to launch directly into admin page use
You can access the admin page via the app itself as well