
RESTful API for product cataloging

Primary LanguageJava

Enterprise RESTful API for product cataloging

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Database Diagram

The diagram illustrates the relationships between the entities in the application. It helps in visualizing the structure of the database and understanding how different entities are connected.

Authorization Configuration


This application uses OAuth2 for resource server configuration to control access to different endpoints. The authorization logic is defined in the ResourceServerConfig class located in the com.github.RianNegreiros.productcataloging.config package.

Roles and Permissions

Public Endpoints

  • /oauth/token: Endpoint for obtaining OAuth tokens.
  • /h2-console/**: H2 console access (enabled only in the "test" profile).

These endpoints are accessible to the public and do not require authentication.

Operator or Admin Endpoints

  • /products/**: Access to product-related endpoints.
  • /categories/**: Access to category-related endpoints.

Authenticated users with roles "OPERATOR" or "ADMIN" have permission to perform HTTP GET requests on these endpoints.

Admin Endpoints

  • /users/**: Access to user-related endpoints.

Authenticated users with the "ADMIN" role have permission to access these endpoints.

Configuration Details

The configuration is defined in the ResourceServerConfig class. Here are some key points:

  • The JwtTokenStore is used for token storage.
  • The PUBLIC array contains public endpoints.
  • The OPERATOR_OR_ADMIN array contains endpoints accessible by users with roles "OPERATOR" or "ADMIN."
  • The ADMIN array contains endpoints accessible only by users with the "ADMIN" role.
  • H2 console access is enabled only in the "test" profile.

Additional Notes

  • The H2 console access is disabled in production profiles to enhance security.

Feel free to customize the security configuration based on your specific use case and requirements.

Tools and Technologies Used

  • Java: Version 17
  • Spring Boot: Version 2.4.4
  • Spring Cloud: Version Hoxton.SR8
  • Database: H2 (runtime scope), PostgreSQL (runtime scope)
  • Validation: Spring Boot Starter Validation
  • Testing: Spring Boot Starter Test, Spring Security Test
  • OAuth2: Spring Security OAuth2 Autoconfigure

Postman Collection

You can find the Postman collection for this project here.

This collection includes pre-configured API requests to help you test and interact with the endpoints.