
Attempt #2 at an OpenGL renderer written in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Glint Renderer

This is my second attempt at an OpenGL-based renderer written in C++. I followed the Udemy course Computer Graphics with Modern OpenGL and C++ to get the basics down, including phong lighting, shadowmapping (directional and omnidirectional), models and textures.

I intend to continue working on it from time to time until I feel confident enough with graphics programming principles to move onto a newer API like Vulkan.


Project structure

  • assets: Binary files ingested during runtime
  • external: External libraries that aren't fetched by CMake
  • src/App: Application-layer stuff
  • src/Renderer: The bulk of the source - OpenGL abstractions, shader code, etc
  • src/Util: Utility functions


Requires Conan 2.0 or higher.

Run conan install . --output-folder=build --build=missing --settings=build_type=Debug to install dependencies.

Conan will generate CMakeUserPresets.json, which should inform CMake of the available presets for building the project.

Stretch goals

  • Encapsulate renderer passes
  • Improve shadow rendering
  • Implement a post-processing pass with at least one effect (e.g. bloom)
  • Improve the asset manager
  • Improve asset loaders
  • Implement particle system
  • Implement debug UI
  • Expose performance stats through debug UI
  • Implement water rendering