
Meta-Learning Bayesian Active Learning Algorithms

Primary LanguagePython

Meta-Learning Bayesian Active Learning Algorithms

Using Bandits to learn a policy to select acquisition functions


Python 3.5.2

See requirements.txt

You can install as pip3.5 install -r requirements.txt --user


Some unit tests exist run python3 -m pytest on linux or pytest on os x.


usage: experiment.py [-h] [-g GPU] [-e EPOCHS] -p POLICY [-a ACQUISITIONS]
                     [-d DROPOUTITERATIONS] -f FOLDER [-s SEED] [-m MODEL]
                     [-r REWARD] [-data DATA] [-gamma GAMMA]
                     [-policyparam POLICY_PARAM] [-w WEIGHT_DECAY]
                     [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-q QUERIES]
                     [-custom CUSTOM [CUSTOM ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

named arguments:
  -g GPU, --gpu GPU     gpu to use
  -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
                        # of epochs to train
  -p POLICY, --policy POLICY
                        Policy for selecting acquisition functions : 'random',
                        'uniform-*' or 'bandit-*' uniform-* where * can be:
                        any of the acquisition functions implemented
                        (maxentropy, segnet, bald etc..) bandit-* where * is
                        the policy to play can be ucb for upper confidence
                        bound or epsilongreedy for epsilon greedy algorithm
                        # of acquisitions for active learning
                        # of dropout estimates
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        Folder to save data to
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed to use
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        Model to use: `bayesian` or `regular`
  -r REWARD, --reward REWARD
                        Reward to use: `marginalacc`, `marginallogp`, `logp`,
  -data DATA, --data DATA
                        the data to use, `mnist` and `cifar10` supported.
                        mnist is default
  -gamma GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        The gamma discount factor to use
  -policyparam POLICY_PARAM, --policy-param POLICY_PARAM
                        This is either epislon or c depending on which bandit
                        policy you chose
  -w WEIGHT_DECAY, --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Weight Decay for the L2 regularizer
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch Size
  -q QUERIES, --queries QUERIES
                        Queries from Pool Set
  -custom CUSTOM [CUSTOM ...], --custom CUSTOM [CUSTOM ...]
                        custom acquisition functions to use: Here are some
                        defaults: 3arm-trivial: [bald, random, negative_bald]
                        all: [] Otherwise you can access any combination of
                        acqusition functions you want by just passing their

Available Policies

  1. random: randomly pick a different acqusition function at each round (this is basically bandit that doesn't use its Q values)
  2. uniform-maxentropy: use maxentropy acquisition function for the whole experiment
  3. uniform-segnet: use segnet acquisition function for the whole experiment
  4. uniform-bald: use bald acquisition function for the whole experiment
  5. uniform-varratio: use varratio acquisition function for the whole experiment
  6. uniform-random: use random acquisition function for the whole experiment
  7. bandit-ucb: Use UCB to learn which acquisition functions to pick
  8. bandit-epsilongreedy: use epsilon greedy to learn which acquisition functions to pick

For example:

python3.5 experiment.py -e 100 -p bandit-epsilongreedy -policyparam 0.2 -gamma 0.9 -r 'acc' -a 10 -d 10 -m bayesian

will run a bayesian CNN for 100 epochs using an epsilongreedy policy with epsilon 0.2 and discount factor 0.9 with reward as the validation accuracy. We will querey the policy 10 times and use 10 dropout iterations to estimate the uncertainty of pool points.

Creating plots.

usage: create_plots.py [-h] -f FOLDERS [FOLDERS ...] -m METRICS [METRICS ...]
                       -name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

named arguments:
  -f FOLDERS [FOLDERS ...], --folders FOLDERS [FOLDERS ...]
                        folders with the experiments. This must be can be
                        follows: -f FOLDER1 FOLDER2 where FOLDER1 and FOLDER2
                        are two experiments each with subfolders with
                        replicates: FOLDER1/ replicate1 replicate2 FOLDER2/
                        replicate1 replicate2
  -m METRICS [METRICS ...], --metrics METRICS [METRICS ...]
                        metrics to plot. can be multiple metrics like: -m
                        val_acc train_acc or must be `-m acq` for plotting
                        acquition functions
  -name NAME, --name NAME
                        title of figure, will be saved as NAME.pdf

python3.5 ./plotting/create_plots.py -f './results/experiment1' 'results/experiment2' -m 'val_acc' 'train_acc' -n 'accuracy_plots'

This will create a figure called accuracy_plots.pdf which will plot the val_accs and train_accs from experiment1 and experiment2

It is also possible to plot the acquisition function used in each scheme as follows:

python3.5 ./plotting/create_plots.py -f './results/experiment1' 'results/experiment2' -m acq -n 'acq curves'