
Appverse landing project

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Built with Grunt


Appverse Web

This is the repository of the Appverse Web HTML5 Bolierplate subproject. It provides an starting point for an Appverse Web HTML5 project Appverse Web is a multi-frontend technology capable web application framework incorporating the best-of-breed open source stack to meet the challenges of secure and robust server-side service development, integration and delivery.

More Information

Quick Start

Before you start, tools you will need

  • install npm
  • bower and grunt (run the following commands):
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt


  • configure project:
npm install
bower install
  • run project

Run the application.

grunt server

Run the appliction and open the browser.

grunt server:open


Exexecute the following command to launch tests

grunt test

Grunt tasks list

###storeCoverage store coverage from global ###karma run karma. (Multitask) ###reloadTasks override instrumented tasks ###makeReport make coverage report ###instrument instruments a file or a directory tree ###jshint Validate files with JSHint. (Multitask) ###useminPrepare Using HTML markup as the primary source of information (Multitask) ###server Serves de application. ###jserver Running Mock Server with default configuration ###shell Run shell commands (Multitask) ###watch Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change. ###concurrent Run grunt tasks concurrently (Multitask) ###usemin Replaces references to non-minified scripts / stylesheets (Multitask) ###postcss Process CSS files. (Multitask) ###rev Prefix static asset file names with a content hash (Multitask) ###nwjs Packaging the current app as a node-webkit application (Multitask) ###jsonserver Multitask - Running Mock Server (Multitask) ###uglify Minify files with UglifyJS. (Multitask) ###htmlmin Minify HTML (Multitask) ###cssmin Minify CSS (Multitask) ###list List all the available grunt tasks and write them to a file. ###browserSync Keep your browsers in sync (Multitask) ###jscs JavaScript Code Style checker (Multitask) ###wiredep Inject Bower components into your source code. (Multitask) ###includeSource Include lists of files into your source files automatically. (Multitask) ###license Generate an HTML report of all NPM modules licenses. ###bsReload Custom multi task. (Multitask) ###bsNotify Custom multi task. (Multitask) ###copy Copy files. (Multitask) ###concat Concatenate files. (Multitask) ###sass Compile Sass to CSS (Multitask) ###coffee Compile CoffeeScript files into JavaScript (Multitask) ###clean Clean files and folders. (Multitask) ###release Bump version, git tag, git push, npm publish ###webkit-manifest Build Manifest for webkit (package.json) ###default Alias for "server" task. ###test:unit:auto Alias for "karma:unit_auto" task. ###mock Alias for "jsonserver", "serve" tasks. ###mock:dist Alias for "jsonserver", "distribution" tasks. ###distribution Alias for "dist", "browserSync:dist", "watch" tasks. ###serve Alias for "clean:server", "concurrent:server", "postcss:css", "browserSync:dev", "jshint:all", "wiredep", "includeSource", "test:dev:unit", "watch" tasks. ###test:dev:unit Alias for "clean:reports", "karma:unit" tasks. ###test Alias for "clean:reports", "karma:continuous", "clean:server", "concurrent:server", "postcss:css", "instrument", "browserSync:test", "shell:jasmine2" tasks. ###test:unit Alias for "clean:reports", "karma:continuous" tasks. ###test:e2e Alias for "clean:reports", "clean:server", "concurrent:server", "postcss:css", "instrument", "browserSync:test", "shell:jasmine2" tasks. ###doc Alias for "clean:doc", "docular" tasks. ###nodewebkit:dist Alias for "clean:dist", "dist", "webkit-manifest", "nwjs" tasks. ###dist Alias for "clean:dist", "concurrent:dist", "postcss:css", "wiredep", "includeSource", "useminPrepare", "concat:generated", "copy:dist", "ngAnnotate", "cssmin:generated", "uglify:generated", "rev", "usemin", "htmlmin" tasks. ###ngAnnotate Add, remove and rebuild AngularJS dependency injection annotations (Multitask) ###grunt-license-report No info