
Database for Antarctic Geothermal Heat Flow


Database for Antarctic Geothermal Heat Flow

This database aims to collect and distribute geothermal heat flow estimates south of 50° and accompanies the following manuscript:

Burton-Johnson, A., Dziadek, R. and Martin, C.: Review Article: Geothermal heat flow in Antarctica: current and future directions, The Cryosphere, 14, 3843–3873, doi:https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-3843-2020, 2020.

When using the database we kindly ask you to cite this publication.

The data is stored in a comma-separated format as a .xlsx file and contains 15 columns:

(1) Latitude: in decimal degrees (DD.xxx)

(2) Longitude: in decimal degrees (DD.xxx)

(3) StationID: Station Name/identifies (if given)

(4) top (m): minimum depth of measurement in meters

(5) bottom (m): maximum depth of measurement in meters

(6) grad (°C/km): Geothermal gradient

(7) Thermal conductivity: if given in Watt-per-Meter-per-Kelvin (Wm/K)

(8) geothermal heat flow: in Milliwatts-per-square-Meter (mW/m²)

(9) Error: in Milliwatts-per-square-Meter (mW/m²)

(10) Elevation in meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.)

(11) Reference: 1st Author and Year of publication

(12) DOI: Digital Object Identifier or link to original study

(13) DataQuality: Attempt to describe quality of measurements (Grade *1 = Lowest reliability, *2 = Intermediate reliability, *3 = Highest reliability). For details see file: Data Quality Evaluation.pdf

(14) Method: Indicates type of estimate

(15) Comment: Contains additional information

Please consider, that this database might be subject to updates.


29.07.2020 V002: Database has been updated. Data quality has been revised. New column (10 Elevation) has been added. Two redundancies have been removed.

18.08.2020 V003: Requirement for I2 classification changed from 600 m to 300 m borehole depth.

02.01.2021 V004: Data has been added from Dziadek et al., 2021