
Making the keyboard a synth using OpenAL

Primary LanguageC

Keyboard synth

A little experimentation with OpenAL and audio signal processing in general led me to this project idea. Play music with the computer keyboard.


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..



Now you can press the keys on the a -> l and z -> , keys. Sharp notes: w, e, t, y, u. Change octaves with o (down) and p (up). Echo effect added with argument -e. Use -h or --help for more info.

In general, for more help use -h:

./keyboard -h
Usage: ./keyboard [flags]
   --form: form of sound [sine (default), triangular, saw, square]
   -e|--echo: Add an echo effect
   -r|--reverb [file]: Add a reverb effect based on IR response in this wav file
   --file [file]: Use .wav files for notes with this mapping as provided in this file
   --volume [float]: Set the volume knob (default 1.0)

./keyboard compiled Sep  5 2023 18:45:28

Map keys to wave files

./build/keyboard --file media/notes.json

Inspect the media/notes.json file to see how it is structured. I have included already sounds from a piano found at https://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MISpiano.html by the University of Iowa.

Map IR to wave files

Include your own impulse responses to create reverb effects. I have included the impulse response from Kalvträsks kyrka (church in Sweden) uploaded by someone named Lars here: https://familjenpalo.se/vpo/kalvtrask/ .

You can test this reverb on the piano like this:

./build/keyboard --file media/notes.json -r media/ir/KalvtraskStereo16bps-44100.wav


You need OpenAL and ncurses installed.

# On OSX
brew install openal-soft
brew install ncurses
# On Debiand
sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev


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