
Solutions for AdventOfCode 2022 using Julia

Primary LanguageJulia

Bechmarking the solutions for each day:

The true parameter in each execution runs the benchmark without output, as that would spam the console.

At the same time, I/O is not part of the benchmark, only the algorithm itself. On the other hand, parsing the data from the file is done inside the benchmark. This also takes the data in raw - it does not use any form of by hand manipulation of the data into a better format.

The code is also optimized for speed - so in some examples you might see simple if - else if, because that's the fastest I came up with.

First usage of Threads happens on day 3, as the previous days could not benefit from it. Or could they...?

Day 1


Benchmark day 1

Day 2


Benchmark day 2

Day 3


Benchmark day 3

Day 4


Benchmark day 4

Day 5


Benchmark day 5.1 Benchmark day 5.2