
This repository contains all related LaTeX-Files, svgs as well as code bits for our research paper at the ZHAW from class IT18tb_ZH

Primary LanguageTeX

Implementing Neural Networks In A Quantum Computer

This research paper was written at the ZHAW in our penultimate semester of our BSc CS degree course. Many thanks go out to the creator of the initial LaTeX template we used for this, @matteodelucchi. The original can be found here. Our usage was adapted for the PA every undergraduate (that isn't parttime and dispensated from doing it) has to do and will find it's way back as a fork once we have finished our work.


This research paper was written by @RicardoMonteiroSimoes and @22phuber. It was supported by two advisors, which consist of:


I found it very convenient to use this template in Overleaf.com. This allowed me to share it with my supervisor, who could comment directly in the document.
Fork this Github repository to your Github account. Then you login to Overleaf.com -> New Project -> Import from Github and select your fork of the thesis template.

Authorship & Licence

The original template was adapted by Ricardo Monteiro Simoesased on a template downloaded from:
Original ZHAW thesis template