
A curated list of MLSecOps tools, articles and other resources on security applied to Machine Learning and MLOps systems.

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A curated list of awesome open-source tools, resources, and tutorials for MLSecOps (Machine Learning Security Operations).

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Table of Contents

Open Source Security Tools

In this section, you and I can take a look at what opensource solutions and PoCs, exist to accomplish the task of ML protection. Of course, some of them are unsupported or will have difficulties to run. However, not mentioning them is a big crime.

Tool Description
ModelScan Protection Against ML Model Serialization Attacks
NB Defense Secure Jupyter Notebooks
Garak LLM vulnerability scanner
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox Library of defense methods for ML models against adversarial attacks
MLSploit Cloud framework for interactive experimentation with adversarial machine learning research
TensorFlow Privacy Library of privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms and tools
Foolbox Python toolbox for creating and evaluating adversarial attacks and defenses
Advertorch Python toolbox for adversarial robustness research
Artificial Intelligence Threat Matrix Framework for identifying and mitigating threats to machine learning systems
Adversarial ML Threat Matrix Adversarial Threat Landscape for AI Systems
CleverHans A library of adversarial examples and defenses for machine learning models
AdvBox Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PaddlePaddle、PyTorch、Caffe2、MxNet、Keras、TensorFlow
Audit AI Bias Testing for Generalized Machine Learning Applications
Deep Pwning Deep-pwning is a lightweight framework for experimenting with machine learning models with the goal of evaluating their robustness against a motivated adversary
Privacy Meter An open-source library to audit data privacy in statistical and machine learning algorithms
TensorFlow Model Analysis A library for analyzing, validating, and monitoring machine learning models in production
PromptInject A framework that assembles adversarial prompts
TextAttack TextAttack is a Python framework for adversarial attacks, data augmentation, and model training in NLP
OpenAttack An Open-Source Package for Textual Adversarial Attack
TextFooler A Model for Natural Language Attack on Text Classification and Inference
Flawed Machine Learning Security Practical examples of "Flawed Machine Learning Security" together with ML Security best practice across the end to end stages of the machine learning model lifecycle from training, to packaging, to deployment
Adversarial Machine Learning CTF This repository is a CTF challenge, showing a security flaw in most (all?) common artificial neural networks. They are vulnerable for adversarial images
Damn Vulnerable LLM Project A Large Language Model designed for getting hacked
Gandalf Lakera Prompt Injection CTF playground
Vigil LLM prompt injection and security scanner
PALLMs (Payloads for Attacking Large Language Models) list of various payloads for attacking LLMs collected in one place
AI-exploits exploits for MlOps systems. It's not just in the inputs given to LLMs such as ChatGPT
Offensive ML Playbook Offensive ML Playbook. Notes on machine learning attacks and pentesting
AnonLLM Anonymize Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for Large Language Model APIs
AI Goat vulnerable LLM CTF challenges
Pyrit The Python Risk Identification Tool for generative AI
Raze to the Ground: Query-Efficient Adversarial HTML Attacks on Machine-Learning Phishing Webpage Detectors Source code of the paper "Raze to the Ground: Query-Efficient Adversarial HTML Attacks on Machine-Learning Phishing Webpage Detectors" accepted at AISec '23
Giskard Open-source testing tool for LLM applications
Safetensors Convert pickle to a safe serialization option
Citadel Lens Quality testing of models according to industry standards
Model-Inversion-Attack-ToolBox A framework for implementing Model Inversion attacks
NeMo-Guardials NeMo Guardrails allow developers building LLM-based applications to easily add programmable guardrails between the application code and the LLM
AugLy A tool for generating adversarial attacks
Knockoffnets PoC to implement BlackBox attacks to steal model data
Robust Intelligence Continous Validation Tool for continuous model validation for compliance with standards
VGER Jupyter Attack framework
AIShield Watchtower An open source tool from AIShield for studying AI models and scanning for vulnerabilities
PS-fuzz tool for scanning LLM vulnerabilities
Mindgard-cli Check security of you AI via CLI
PurpleLLama3 Check LLM security with Meta LLM Benchmark
Model transparency generate model signing
ARTkit Automated prompt-based testing and evaluation of Gen AI applications
LangBiTe A Bias Tester framework for LLMs
OpenDP The core library of differential privacy algorithms powering the OpenDP Project
TF-encrypted Encryption for tensorflow
Agentic Security Agentic LLM Vulnerability Scanner / AI red teaming kit

Commercial Tools

Tool Description
Databricks Platform, Azure Databricks Datalake data management and implementation tool
Hidden Layer AI Detection Response Tool for detecting and responding to incidents
Guardian Model protection in CI/CD


Tool Description
ARX - Data Anonymization Tool Tool for anonymizing datasets
Data-Veil Data masking and anonymization tool
Tool for IMG anonymization Image anonymization
Tool for DATA anonymization Data anonymization
BMW-Anonymization-Api This repository allows you to anonymize sensitive information in images/videos. The solution is fully compatible with the DL-based training/inference solutions that we already published/will publish for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
DeepPrivacy2 A Toolbox for Realistic Image Anonymization
PPAP Latent-space-level Image Anonymization with Adversarial Protector Networks

ML Code Security

101 Resources

You can find here a list of resources to help you get into the topic of AI security. Understand what attacks exist and how they can be used by an attacker.

AI Security Study Map

AI Security Study Map

Full size map in this repository

Threat Modeling






more in Adversarial AI Attacks, Mitigations, and Defense Strategies: A cybersecurity professional's guide to AI attacks, threat modeling, and securing AI with MLSecOps

Attack Vectors

Here we provide a useful list of resources that focus on a specific attack vector.

Blogs and Publications

🌱 The AI security community is growing. New blogs and many researchers are emerging. In this paragraph you can see examples of some blogs.

MLOps Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

Very interesting articles on MlOps infrastructure vulnerabilities. In some of them you can even find ready-made exploits.

MlSecOps pipeline


Academic Po(C)ker FACE


Official implementation of "AgentPoison: Red-teaming LLM Agents via Memory or Knowledge Base Backdoor Poisoning". This project explores methods of data poisoning and backdoor insertion in LLM agents to assess their resilience against such attacks.

Research on methods of embedding malicious payloads into deep neural networks.

Investigation of backdoor attacks on deep learning models, focusing on creating undetectable vulnerabilities within models.

Techniques for stealing deep learning models through various attack vectors, enabling adversaries to replicate or access models.

Model extraction without using data, allowing for the recovery of models without access to the original data.

Tool for mapping and analyzing large language models (LLMs), exploring the structure and behavior of various LLMs.

Federated learning pipeline using Google Cloud infrastructure, enabling model training on distributed data.

Attack using ensemble class activation maps to introduce errors in models by manipulating activation maps.

Methods for attacking deep models under various conditions and constraints, focusing on creating more resilient attacks.

Research on adaptive attacks on machine learning models, enabling the creation of attacks that can adapt to model defenses.

Knowledge transfer in zero-shot scenarios, exploring methods to transfer knowledge between models without prior training on target data.

Attack for generating informative labels, aimed at covertly extracting data from trained models.

Enhancing DMI (Data Mining and Integration) methods using additional knowledge to improve accuracy and efficiency.

Research on methods for visualizing and interpreting machine learning models, providing insights into model workings.

Attacks that can be "plugged and played" without needing model modifications, offering flexible and universal attack methods.

Tool for analyzing and processing snapshot data, enabling efficient handling of data snapshots.

Research on the trade-offs between privacy and robustness in models, aiming to balance these two aspects in machine learning.

Methods for data leakage from trained models, exploring ways to extract private information from machine learning models.

Research on blind information extraction attacks, enabling data retrieval without access to the model's internal structure.

Differential privacy methods for deep learning, ensuring data privacy during model training.

Defense methods using MMD-mixup, aimed at improving model robustness against attacks.

Tools for protecting memory from attacks, exploring ways to prevent data leaks from model memory.

Methods for merging and splitting data to improve training, optimizing the use of heterogeneous data in models.

Attacks on face recognition models using attributes, exploring ways to manipulate facial attributes to induce errors.

Attacks on face verification models, aimed at disrupting authentication systems based on face recognition.

Using GANs to create malware, exploring methods for generating malicious code with generative models.

Methods for generating adversarial perturbations using generative models, aimed at introducing errors in deep models.

Adversarial attacks using Relativistic AdvGAN, exploring methods for creating more realistic and effective attacks.

Attacks on large language models, exploring vulnerabilities and protection methods for LLMs.

Safe fine-tuning of large language models, aiming to prevent data leaks and ensure security during LLM tuning.

Methods for evaluating trust in models, exploring ways to determine the reliability and safety of machine learning models.

Benchmark for evaluating prompts, providing tools for testing and optimizing queries to large language models.

Tool for analyzing and evaluating models based on ROM codes, exploring various aspects of model performance and resilience.

Research on privacy in large language models, aiming to protect data and prevent leaks from LLMs.

Community Resources



MLSecOps Lifecycle

MLSecOps Lifecycle

AI Security Market Map

Market Map


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