- 1
- 2
0.30.16 version is error
#299 opened by git123one - 1
Feat: add offfset option to support Vue SFC
#296 opened by zhiyuanzmj - 1
- 0
Better error message for invalid input
#288 opened by benmccann - 1
Deprecated dependencies in magic-string@0.25.9
#283 opened by leeobrum - 4
New appended string is removed after running s.appendRight + s.remove twice
#282 opened by zoeyzhao19 - 1
Infinite loop when removing in empty string.
#280 opened by mysteryven - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
Fails in Web Worker
#268 opened by curran - 2
service worker should be supported
#258 opened by loynoir - 0
- 0
- 0
test/mocha.opts seems wrong
#176 opened by SnarkBoojum - 3
Wrong columns on source indented with spaces
#210 opened by dmail - 1
- 0
[feat] MagicStringOptions.sourceMap
#250 opened by loynoir - 1
type is wrong `This expression is not constructable`
#251 opened by loynoir - 1
⚠️ deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8
#249 opened by Valexr - 2
sourcemap-codec is deprecated
#245 opened by zdm - 1
- 2
Add support for `x_google_ignoreList`
#241 opened by bmeurer - 1
How should I prepend content at the begining of orginal code then generate right sourcemap
#239 opened by zoeyzhao19 - 1
Breaks when module ID includes query parameters
#238 opened by segevfiner - 1
addUneditedChunk consumes too much memory
#217 opened by hackwaly - 0
- 2
Cannot split a chunk that has already been edited
#208 opened by danielroe - 0
[deprecated] sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
#233 opened by rmkanda - 0
Bug: type issue in ts@4.8+ with esm
#230 opened by Mister-Hope - 0
Add a way to convert Bundle to a MagicString
#232 opened by RReverser - 0
Bundle options are undocumented
#229 opened by RReverser - 0
[Question] How to chain sourcemaps?
#226 opened by Tal500 - 0
[Feature request] in replace and replaceAll, allow the replacer function to return "no-op" value
#225 opened by Tal500 - 3
`.replace` replacing removed code
#223 opened by fisker - 1
Unexpected `.replace` behavior
#221 opened by fisker - 2
version bump changes from june
#220 opened by jdalton - 1
ChainAlert: new npm maintainer has published version 0.25.8 of package magic-string
#201 opened by chainalert-bot - 1
- 0
- 1
[enhancement] Generating sourcemap via magic-string triples memory usage in most applications
#195 opened by Rigo-m - 1
- 4
no hires source map where the appendLeft inserted
#187 opened by jasonlyu123 - 0
Error: Character is out of bounds
#181 opened by winston0410 - 1
- 0
source mapping bug with multiple sources
#172 opened by kzc - 3
Memory overhead of `sourcemapLocations` is high
#167 opened by mihaip - 0
MagicString#clone will not clone intro and outro
#162 opened by ggoodman