Vetspire Take-home Challenge

Using the app

Start by cloning the app:

git clone


cd technical-interview-challenge


npm i

You can run the app by opening another terminal.

In the first terminal start the server with: npm run start-server, in the second, run the app with npm run start-app

This will take you to http://localhost:3000 where you can observer the app and add a new dog breed

You can run tests by running yarn test


All features including the bonus feature have been built

Tech Stack

I decided to build the app with the following techologies: Typescript, React, React Router, GraphQL, Express.

Some notable decisions

  • I would normally use Apollo alongside GraphQL but in the interests of time I thought it would be quicker to hook GraphQL in with http. Also it's something I've not done before so thought it would be a good learning experience
  • Typescript was used to make the code more Robust

Potential improvements if I had longer

  • I would look into caching mechanisms with GraphQL to see if I could minimize the backend requests
  • I used a custom hook to not repeat code. If I had more time I would look at improving this and potentially using some more elsewhere.
  • The design isn't great (apologies!), if I had longer I would spend time making this look better and adaptable for mobile users / smaller screens
  • Add error handling around the network requests. Ensure there was something displayed to the user if a request failed
  • Of course I would have written more tests and more thorough ones with more time