
Julia IFun Implementation

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION

Funs is a package for approximating functions. It currently supports intervals, the real line, periodic intervals and the unit circle. It is heavily influenced by the Matlab package chebfun (http://www.chebfun.org) and the Mathematica package RHPackage (http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/olver/projects/RHPackage.html).

To construct an approximation of exp(x) on [-1,1], call

f = Fun(exp,[-1,1])

The convention is to treat f as a vector. In other words, we view functions as vectors with continuous indices. To evaluate the function at a point, we use the vector notation:


which will return a high accuracy approximation to exp(.1).

Differentiation and integration

Differentiation uses the diff operator:

fp = diff(f)

Because the exponential is it's own derivative, the norm is small:


Similarly, cumsum defines an indefinite integration operator:

g = cumsum(f)
g = g + f[-1]
norm(f - g)

You can also add and multiply (use .* as these are treated like vectors):

Fun(exp).*Fun(cos)				#gives a representation of exp(x)cos(x) on [-1,1]
Fun(exp) + Fun(cos)				#gives a representation of exp(x) + cos(x) on [-1,1]	


Other operations including random number sampling using [Olver & Townsend 2013]. The following code samples 10,000 standard normals:

f = Fun(x->exp(-x.^2),[-10,10])
x = sample(f,10000)

We can apply this to any positive smooth PDF.

There is also support for Fourier representations of functions on periodic intervals.
Use FFun to ensure that the representation is periodic:

f = FFun(cos)

The default domain is [й,¹].

Differentiation is again accomplished with diff, so the following will be small:

norm(diff(f) + FFun(sin))

Indefinite integration is only supported when the zeroth Fourier coefficient is zero:

norm(cumsum(f) - FFun(sin))	

Alternatively, a Laurent series can be constructed on the unit circle:

c = FFun(cos,Circle())

Solving differential equations

We can solve ODEs, the following solves the Airy equation u' = x u as a BVP on [-1000,10]:

u = [dirichlet(d),D^2 - x] \ [airyai(d.a),0.];


S. Olver & A. Townsend, (2013), Fast inverse transform sampling in one and two dimensions, arXiv:1307.1223.