
Data specification conformance and generation for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


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Spec is an Elixir data validation library inspired on clojure.spec.

Just like clojure.spec, this library does not implement a type system, and the data specifications created with it are not useful for checking at compile time. For that use Elixir builtin @spec typespecs

Specs cannot be used for pattern matching nor in function head guards, as validating with Spec could involve calling some Elixir runtime functions which are not allowed inside a pattern match. If you are looking for a way to create composable patterns take a look at Expat. You can for example, conform your data with Spec and then pattern match on the conformed value using Expat to easily extract values from it.

Having said that, you can use Spec to validate that your data is of a given type, has certain structure or satisfies some predicates. Spec supports all Elixir data types, that is you can match on lists, maps, structs and tuples. Maps, Structs and Keyword lists can be checked for required keys. Specs can be combined by passing some specs as argument to other specs, logically combined by using the and,or operators, and finally, sequenced or alternated using regex operators. You can validate your function arguments or return values (it's all done at run-time) look bellow for an example RandomJane. And exercise an spec to get sample data that conforms to it.


Spec's purpose is to to provide a library for creating composable data structure specifications. That is, once you create an Spec, you can match data with it, get human descriptive messages or programatically detailed errors if something inside of it does not conforms to the specification, exercise the Spec and obtain some random data that conforms to Spec that can be used for example in tests.

While Spec is heavily inspired after clojure.spec, it's not the purpose to exactly match the clojure.spec API. Spec will instead prefer to follow the Elixir/Erlang idioms and have a more familiar API for alchemists.


Available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding spec to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:spec, "~> 0.1"}]


The rest of this document will detail the Spec API and example usage. You can also take a look at the several tests for more examples.

use Spec


The most basic way of validating data we have in Elixir are predicates. Predicates are functions that take data and return either true or false.

For example is_number/1 is an Elixir builtin predicate that will return true when invoked like is_number(42).

Predicates can be used as specs by feeding them to Spec.conform(spec, data) along with some data to check.

iex> use Spec
iex> conform(is_number(), 24)
{:ok, 24}

Technically conform/2 is an Elixir macro, so notice how we are giving it is_number() with no args, that is because Spec will provide the data value as the first argument for any specification. So, when performing the validation, Spec will do 24 |> is_number().

If you've already noticed, the return value of conform/2 was an ok tagged tuple, even when is_number/1 actually returns a boolean. (more on this later)

Of course, you can use any predicate of yours to conform data

def tuple_sum({a, b}, c) when a + b == c, do: true
def tuple_sum(_, _), do: false

conform(tuple_sum(44), {12, 32})
# => {:ok, {12, 32}}

When using predicate functions, Spec will call {12, 32} |> tuple_sum(44) and if the predicate returns true, then data will be tagge with :ok, or with :error otherwise.

Actually, Spec adapts boolean predicates and makes them conform to the erlang idiom of returning tagged tuples like {:ok, conformed} or {:error, mismatch}.

So, predicates are a particular case of data conformers in Spec.


Conformers are functions that take data and return {:ok, conformed} or {:error, %Spec.Mismatch{}}.

Spec.Mismatch is just a data structure useful for describing what went wrong and where. Spec.conform!/2 raises it on error

iex(2)> conform!(is_number(), "two")
** (Spec.Mismatch) `"two"` does not satisfy predicate `is_number()`

The conformed value does not necessarliy needs to equal the input data. As for example, the conformer could choose to transform data and return a destructured value.

Data structure specifications

Let's go back to conforming data with specifications and how we can construct them.

Atoms, numbers and binaries match on their equal values

iex> conform!(:hello, :hello)

But tuples and friends can specify their inner elements

iex> conform!({is_atom(), is_number()}, {:ok, 22})
{:ok, 22}

conform!({is_atom(), is_number()}, [:ok, 22])
** (Spec.Mismatch) `[:ok, 22]` is not a tuple

conform!({is_atom(), is_binary()}, {:ok, 22})
** (Spec.Mismatch) `22` does not satisfy predicate `is_binary()`

at `1` in `{:ok, 22}`

So, using the tuple literal syntax, Spec will check that the value actually is a tuple, has the same size and that every element in it conforms the corresponding spec.

Similarly for list literals, so the spec [is_integer()] is a list containing a single integer value.

Naturally, the _ placeholder matches anything. And [{is_atom(), _}] could describe a keyword list with a single key.

iex> conform!([{is_atom(), _}], foo: 22)
[foo: 22]

If you are wondering about maps, you can also use the map literal syntax. (For checking on map key presence and which combinations of keys are valid, look bellow for Spec.keys)

iex> conform!(%{is_binary() => is_number()}, %{"hola" => 22})
%{"hola" => 22}

iex> conform!(%{is_binary() => is_binary(), is_atom() => is_binary()}, 
...>          %{"hola" => "es", :hello => 44})
** (Spec.Mismatch) Inside `%{:hello => 44, "hola" => 22}`, one failure:

(failure 1) at `:hello`

  `44` does not satisfy predicate `is_binary()`

Alternating specs

Inside an spec the and/or operators are allowed.

For example as previously shown on the data structure section, you could use the {_, _} spec to check for a two-element tuple. But for learning purposes lets define it by combining two other specs.

We know Elixir's is_tuple/1 and tuple_size/1 could be handy here. Remember that each spec expects it's data as first argument, so by anding them you can conform like

iex> conform(is_tuple() and &(tuple_size(&1) == 2), {1, 2})
{:ok, {1, 2}}

iex> conform!(is_tuple() and &(tuple_size(&1) == 2), {1})
** (Spec.Mismatch) `{1}` does not satisfy predicate `&(tuple_size(&1) == 2)`

In a similar fashion you can check against two specification alternatives

iex> conform(is_atom() or is_number(), 20)
{:ok, 20}

However it would be really handy to know which of the two specs did 20 matched. For that, let's introduce the tagged specs.

A tag can be cobined with any spec, and if the spec matches, a tagged tuple will be created for its conformed value, for example.

note: tagged specs use :: syntax familiar to Elixir typespecs

iex> conform!(:hello :: is_binary(), "world")
{:hello, "world"}

Tagged specs are the first example we have seen of a conformed value that is different from the original data given to the spec. In this case, the conformer creates a tagged tuple wraping data with a name.

This way you can set a tag on any spec alternation:

iex> a = :foo
iex> b = :bar
iex> conform((a :: is_atom()) or (b :: is_number()), 20)
{:ok, {:bar, 20}}

And using tags inside a list spec creates handy keywords

iex> conform!([:a :: is_atom(), :b :: is_number()], [:michael, 23])
[a: :michael, b: 23]

Finally, in Spec you can use the Elixir pipe to feed the conformed value into any function. The piped function will be called only if the data has been verified to conform with the preceding specification.

Try not to abuse this, it's better to create a function and have at most a single pipe. The purpose of piped specs is so that you can create functions that work on already defined predicates and return possibly different conformed values.

# the conformed value from is_tuple is feed to elem(1) then get(:subject)
iex> conform(is_tuple() |> elem(1) |> Map.get(:subject), {:error, %{subject: 12}})
iex> {:ok, 12}

The following example from the test suite, shows how pipes could normalize indifferent keys on a map

def right(_left, right), do: right
def indif(a, b), do: String.downcase(to_string(a)) == String.downcase(to_string(b))

data = %{"a" => 1, :B => 2, :c => 3}
  indif("A") |> right(:foo) => is_number(),
  indif(:b)  |> right(:bar) => is_number()
}, data)
# => {:ok, %{foo: 1, bar: 2}}

Key specs

Key specs let you state which keys are mandatory with possible key combinations and works not only on Maps, but on also on Keywords.

Key specs are special, as they can be only match on atoms, binaries, number and their combinations by being ored, anded.

For example matching a Map for a required and optional keyword

iex> data = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
iex> conform(keys(required: [:a], optional: [:c]), data)
{:ok, %{a: 1, c: 3}}

Note the conformed data does not include :b as it was neither supplied in the required: nor the optional: combinations of keys.

Similarly, and just like in maps, you can match on a Keyword keys

iex> data = [a: 1, c: 0, b: 2, c: 3]
iex> conform(keys(required: [:d or :c]), data)
{:ok, [c: 0, c: 3]}

The keys conformer will fail if a required key combination is missing.

iex> data = %{a: 1, c: 3}
iex> conform!(keys(required: [:d or (:a and :b)]), data)
** (Spec.Mismatch) `%{a: 1, c: 3}` does not have any of keys `[:d, :b]`

Regex Repetition operators

The cat and alt specs are defined in terms of previously seen tagged specs and previous list specs but they are included just for convenience.

cat matches a list of values, but the nicity of it is it takes a keyword list, saving some keystrokes so you dont have to type :: for each element spec.

iex> data = [3, "firulais"]
iex> conform!(cat(age: is_integer(), name: is_binary()), data)
[age: 3, name: "firulais"]

Similarly alt is sugar for tagged or specs.

iex> data = "HellBoy"
iex> conform!(alt(age: is_integer(), name: ~r/hell/i), data)
[name: "HellBoy"]

Finally, Spec provides the following repetition operators which take a another spec as argument and will check that all elements inside the collection conform to the same spec. These combinators work on tuples, or any other enumerable in Elixir, including lazy Streams.

zero_or_one, one_or_more, and many.

Of these many is the more interesting as the former two are defined in terms of it.

iex> data = ["hola", 1, "mundo", 2] |> Stream.cycle

# fails as soon as the first value from data does not conform
iex> conform!(one_or_more(is_binary()), data)
** (Spec.Mismatch) `1` does not satisfy predicate `is_binary()`

many can take min: (defaults to 0) and max: (defaults to nil) options.

And the three of them can take a fail_fast: false option if you need to check exhaustively on all elements, note that it's true for default as Spec prefers to fail fast on potentially large streams.

iex> conform!(many(is_function(), fail_fast: false), [1, 2])
** (Spec.Mismatch) `[1, 2]` items do not conform

(failure 1)

  `1` does not satisfy predicate `is_function()`

(failure 2)

  `2` does not satisfy predicate `is_function()`

many can also take an as_stream: true option, when enabled it will conform to a new stream which in turn produces the result of conforming every item lazily.

{:ok, stream} = conform(many(is_number(), as_stream: true), 0..2)
[{:ok, 0}, {:ok, 1}, {:ok, 2}] = Enum.to_list(stream)

Define Specs

You can also define specs on a module, giving them a name and having a easy way to be called and composed.

# Remember, POEM stands for Plain Old Elixir Module
defmodule LovePOEM do 
  use Spec
  defspec lovers, do: {is_binary(), is_binary()}
  def send_love({from, to}) do
    lovers!({foo, to}) # same as Spec.conform!(lovers(), {from, to})

The first advantage of using defspec is that you give specs a name, and the second is, you can use these generated functions:

# The generated function takes its data as first argument
# so it's fully pipeable (and reusable in other specs)
lovers(data) # => {:ok, ...} 

# There's a predicate version of it that returns a boolean
lovers?(data) # => true

# And the bang version that returns the conformed data or raises on error
lovers!({"elixir", "erlang"}) # => {"elixir", "erlang"}
lovers!({22, 33}) # raises *Spec.Mismatch*

For private specs you can use defspecp, but it will only generate the lovers? and lovers! private functions if you give to defspecp an option like: include: [:pred, :bang]

Parametrized Specs

As we have already seen, specs are just functions, they take the data to validate as first argument, but nothing restrains them from expecting more arguments.

For example, you could define an spec to conform maps like:

defmodule MapSpec do
  use Spec

  defspec map_of(key_spec, val_spec, options \\ []), 
  do: is_map() and many({key_spec, val_spec}, options)

# validate that foo is a map of atoms to numbers with size between 2 and three
foo = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
foo |> MapSpec.map_of!(&is_atom/1, &is_number/1, min: 2, max: 3)

Notice that this time we are using MapSpec.map_of!/4 which takes the data to validate as first argument, once you define your specs, you can use them directly to conform data.

Function specifications

Function specifications can be created by using fspec/2 which takes several options. The only required one is args: args_spec that must be an spec to conform an array of arguments before applying the function.

data = {&Kernel.+/2, [3, 4]}
{:ok, 7} = conform(fspec(args: [is_integer(), is_integer()]), data)

As you can see, the fspec data must be a tuple {function, arguments} and if all conforms are successful, it will conform to the value returned by the function. Otherwise the first {:error, mismatch} to ocurr will be returned.

These are the options that fspec can take:

  • args: - an spec to conform a list of argument values
  • ret: - an spec to conform the function return value
  • fn: - an spec that takes a Keyword [args: conformed_args, ret: conformed_ret] if present will be used to conform the relation between arguments and its return value.
  • apply: - nil by default. When given the :conformed_args atom, the function will be applied the conformed_args that is the result of conforming with args: spec, instead of the original args.
  • return: - nil by default. When given the :conformed_ret atom, the return value will be conformed_ret, that is the result of conforming the original value returned by the function with the ret: spec. When given the :conformed_fn atom, the return value will be the result of conforming with the fn: spec.

The following example uses these options to specify a rand_range function whose return value must be between the initial and final numbers.

defmodule RandSpec do

  defspec rand_range, do:
  fspec args: cat(a: is_integer(), b: is_integer()) and &( &1[:a] < &1[:b] ),
        ret: is_integer(),
        fn: &( &1[:args][:a] <= &1[:ret] and &1[:ret] < &1[:args][:b] )


Defining the previous function spec let us conform any function with some combination of arguments and see if they comply with the rand_range spec.

fun = fn a, b -> Range.new(a, b) |> Enum.random end
{:ok, 12} = RandSpec.rand_range({fun, [10, 20]})

Remember that bang versions return a conformed value or raise a mismatch:

fun = fn a, b -> Range.new(a, b) |> Enum.random end
12 = RandSpec.rand_range!({fun, [10, 20]})
# should fail if second arg is lower than first
RandSpec.rand_range!({fun, [10, 5]})
** (Spec.Mismatch) `[a: 10, b: 5]` does not satisfy predicate `"#Function<9.33707904/1 in RandSpec.rand_range/0>"`
# fails for a function that misbehaves
RandSpec.rand_range!({fn _, _ -> "boom" end, [10, 20]})
** (Spec.Mismatch) `"boom"` does not satisfy predicate `is_integer()`

Define conformed functions

Once we know how to create function specifications, we can learn to use the @fspec annotation to automatically instrument functions, that is they will be conformed when called.

@fspec must be a function reference to a previously defined spec. For example, we can use our RandSpec.rand_range!/1

defmodule RandomJoe do
  use Spec

  @fspec &RandSpec.rand_range!/1
  defconform foo(a, b) do
    Range.new(a, b) |> Enum.random
  @fspec &RandSpec.rand_range/1
  defconform bar(a, b) do
    a + b

Important we used the bang version when defining foo/2 so that if any spec fails, the mismatch will be raised

RandomJoe.foo(1, :a)
** (Spec.Mismatch) `[1, :a]` does not match all alternatives `cat(a: is_integer(), b: is_integer()) and &(&1[:a] < &1[:b])`

Intead bar will return a mismatch if anything goes wrong (or {:ok, value} if all is fine)

RandomJoe.bar(1, 3)
 %Spec.Mismatch{at: nil,
  expr: "#Function<5.33707904/1 in RandSpec.rand_range/0>", in: nil,
  reason: "does not satisfy predicate", subject: [args: [a: 1, b: 3], ret: 4]}}

Instrumented def

You can automatically instrument your functions by explicitly using Spec.Def

defmodule RandomJane do
  use Spec.Def
  @doc "Returns a random integer between lower and higher"
  @spec in_range(lower :: integer, higher :: integer) :: integer
  @fspec &RandSpec.rand_range!/1
  def in_range(a, b) do
    Range.new(a, b) |> Enum.random

This way the changes in your source code are minimal. The recommended way is to create all your specs in a separate module and just reference them with @fspec.

Things to do

Yay, thanks for reading till this point, hope you have found Spec interesting, if you want to give back some love, it can come in may forms. Feedback and code are always appreciated, feel free to open a new issue if you come up with something.

Here's a short list you can help Spec to be more awesome, Thank you ❤️!

  • Have lots of fun
  • Have more fun
  • API Docs
  • Improve readme, talk about all other Spec functions like valid? and friends.
  • Talk about unforming data (reverse of conforming)
  • Improve nested error reports
  • Implement gen and exercise. Search on hex.pm for current packages that generate data and we can use
  • Use credo
  • Add typespecs :P