
There is a food court which has 200 food outlets (P1 ... P200) - all of which sell hot tea.

A start-up food delivery company ChaiWai with 20 delivery persons offers to deliver hot cups of tea from ANY of these outlets in the food court to any customer located in four offices in the City (C1 ... C4) . These offices are located not very far from the food court so that, under typical delivery conditions, the tea remains hot enough when it is delivered.

ChaiWai has a service guarantee - if the tea is not hotter than temperature T when it is delivered, it will be brought back, re-heated and delivered later at no extra cost.

The order process is like this:

  1. a customer located in one of the offices C1...4 orders N cups of hot tea using a ChaiBooking app.
  2. A Central Despatcher in the Chaibooking app finds out which of the 200 food outlets (P1...200) has N cups of tea ready.
    1. If an outlet has less than N cups ready, ChaiWai will fill the order from other outlets in the food court.
  3. Once the N cups are picked up, they are transported to the customer and delivered.
  4. If the cup gets colder than the set temperature guaranteed, the cup(s) are brought back for reheating and scheduled for re-delivery.

Using the 14 UML diagrams, model this system.

To help you start - please answer these initial questions.

  1. Draw the requirement diagram
  2. Who are the actors ?
  3. What are the objects ?
  4. Draw the component Diagram ?
  5. Draw the Collaboration Diagram ?
  6. Which of the Interaction Diagrams are most illustrative and which are not ? Draw and explain why ?
  7. How do you model problem scenarios -
    1. a delivery person's vehicle breaks down ?
    2. A delivery person takes a break ?
    3. A customers cancels an order
    4. After reaching the destination, m out of N cups have gone cold and need to be re-heated. The payment is delayed therefore.