A 256-bit block cipher based on SPN design, supporting key sizes of 256/384/512 bits

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RichadoWonosas's Symmetric Encryption Version 2 (RWSE2)

CAUTION: This cryptographic algorithm is not in any standard and its security is not yet verified.

RichadoWonosas's Symmetric Encryption Version 2 (RWSE2) is an encryption algorithm designed by RichadoWonosas. Despite version 2, it is the first published version. The design is deeply affected by Rijndael.

1. Introduction

RWSE2 is based on the design principle of Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN). RWSE2 is a block cipher with a fixed block size of 256 bits and a key size of 256, 384 or 512 bits.

Bigger key size requires more rounds of operations to achieve stronger security, and the amount of rounds are as follows:

  • 12 rounds for 256-bit keys.
  • 15 rounds for 384-bit keys.
  • 18 rounds for 512-bit keys.

Each round consists of several sub-operations, that includes:

  • Add Round Key ($RK$): Adding the key of the corresponding round to the block.
  • Substitute Bytes ($SB$): Use a substitution box (S-box) per byte to make changes to the block.
  • RW's Shuffle ($SH$): A self-invertible linear transformation, that is, executing $SH$ operation twice in a row to a block results in the original block and equals to nothing happened.

Besides, an Expand Key operation is introduced for generating round keys from the original key.

Section 2 introduces notations of the block of the algorithm. RWSE2's structure is depicted in Section 3. Section 4 focuses on Add Round Key operation. In Section 5, we describe the construction about S-box and $SB$ operation. Then, we show the structure of Shuffle operation with the whole linear transformation in Section 6. The Expand Key operation is constructed in Section 7.

2. Notations of the Block

RWSE2 has a 256-bit block for encryption or decryption. We use $B$ to represent the block.

$B$ consists of 4 quad-words:

$$ B = \left[ \begin{matrix} q_0\\ q_1\\ q_2\\ q_3\\ \end{matrix} \right]. $$

Each quad-word has 8 bytes:

$$ q = \left[ \begin{matrix} b_{0} & b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} & b_{4} & b_{5} & b_{6} & b_{7} \end{matrix} \right]. $$

In other words,

$$ B = \left[ \begin{matrix} b_{0, 0} & b_{0, 1} & b_{0, 2} & b_{0, 3} & b_{0, 4} & b_{0, 5} & b_{0, 6} & b_{0, 7}\\ b_{1, 0} & b_{1, 1} & b_{1, 2} & b_{1, 3} & b_{1, 4} & b_{1, 5} & b_{1, 6} & b_{1, 7}\\ b_{2, 0} & b_{2, 1} & b_{2, 2} & b_{2, 3} & b_{2, 4} & b_{2, 5} & b_{2, 6} & b_{2, 7}\\ b_{3, 0} & b_{3, 1} & b_{3, 2} & b_{3, 3} & b_{3, 4} & b_{3, 5} & b_{3, 6} & b_{3, 7}\\ \end{matrix} \right]. $$

Say the value of $q$ is $|q|$, then $|q|$ follows little endian:

$$ |q| = \sum_{j = 0}^{7}{b_{j} \cdot (2^{8})^j}. $$

In S-box, a byte $b$ is also splitted into 8 bits (We use $d$ for digit to represent bit, preventing from confusing with $b$ for byte):

$$ b = \left[ \begin{matrix} d_0\\ d_1\\ d_2\\ d_3\\ d_4\\ d_5\\ d_6\\ d_7\\ \end{matrix} \right]. $$

3. RWSE2's Structure

The whole RWSE2 algorithm has a special 0th round with other rounds:

    M: Plaintext
    C: Ciphertext
    RK0: Add Round Key
    SH0: RW's Shuffle
    SBn: Substitute Bytes
    SHn: RW's Shuffle
    RKn: Add Round Key
    R0: Round 0
    R+: Round = Round + 1
    Rn: Round n
    state if <<choice>>

    if-->C: Final Round
    if-->R+: Other\nRound
    state R0 {
    state Rn {

Encryption and decryption shares the same structure, but decryption uses S-Box Inverse instead of S-Box itself, and some extra operations to the round key will be done. More details are in Section 7.2.

4. Add Round Key

Every round uses 4 quad-words of round key to add round key to the block. Say $rk_i$ is the $i$-th quad-word of all round keys starting from 0th, then the round key for $i$-th round is

$$ R_i = \left[ \begin{matrix} rk_{4i}\\ rk_{4i+1}\\ rk_{4i+2}\\ rk_{4i+3}\\ \end{matrix} \right]. $$

So the Add Round Key operation in $i$-th round to the block is

$$ RK_i(B) = B \oplus R_i = \left[ \begin{matrix} q_0 \oplus rk_{4i}\\ q_1 \oplus rk_{4i+1}\\ q_2 \oplus rk_{4i+2}\\ q_3 \oplus rk_{4i+3}\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$

where operation $\oplus$ represents bitwise exclusive or (XOR) operation.

5. Substitute Bytes

5.1. Substitution Box

A substitution box (S-box) is used to perform the byte-wise substitution. The formula of S-box is

$$ Sb(b) = (A\cdot(\text{0xa4})^b) \oplus (\text{0xe3}) $$

where the power operation defines on Galois Field $\text{GF}(2^8)$ with the primitive polynomial

$$g(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1.$$

Specially, define $(\text{0xa4})^{(\text{0xff})} = (\text{0x00})$ because the original value $(\text{0xa4})^{(\text{0xff})} = (\text{0xa4})^{(\text{0x00})} = (\text{0x01})$.

$A$ defines as the following matrix

$$ A = \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$

and the multiplication $\cdot$ is a bit-scale matrix multiplication.

The full S-Box and its inverse can be found in Appendix A.

5.2. Substitute Quad-Word

A quad-word consists of 8 bytes. For quad-word $q$, the Substitute Quad-Word operation $Sq$ is to substitute all 8 bytes using S-Box. That is,

$$ \begin{align*} Sq(q) & = Sq(\left[ \begin{matrix} b_{0} & b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} & b_{4} & b_{5} & b_{6} & b_{7} \end{matrix} \right]) \\ & = \left[ \begin{matrix} Sb(b_{0}) & Sb(b_{1}) & Sb(b_{2}) & Sb(b_{3}) & Sb(b_{4}) & Sb(b_{5}) & Sb(b_{6}) & Sb(b_{7}) \end{matrix} \right]. \end{align*} $$

5.3. Substitute Bytes

A block consists of 4 quad-words. For the block $B$, the Substitute Bytes operation $SB$ is to substitute all 4 quad-words using Substitute Quad-Word. That is,

$$ \begin{align*} SB(B) & = SB(\left[ \begin{matrix} q_0\\ q_1\\ q_2\\ q_3\\ \end{matrix} \right])\\ & = \left[ \begin{matrix} Sq(q_0)\\ Sq(q_1)\\ Sq(q_2)\\ Sq(q_3)\\ \end{matrix} \right]\\ & = \left[ \begin{matrix} Sb(b_{0, 0}) & Sb(b_{0, 1}) & Sb(b_{0, 2}) & Sb(b_{0, 3}) & Sb(b_{0, 4}) & Sb(b_{0, 5}) & Sb(b_{0, 6}) & Sb(b_{0, 7}) \\ Sb(b_{1, 0}) & Sb(b_{1, 1}) & Sb(b_{1, 2}) & Sb(b_{1, 3}) & Sb(b_{1, 4}) & Sb(b_{1, 5}) & Sb(b_{1, 6}) & Sb(b_{1, 7}) \\ Sb(b_{2, 0}) & Sb(b_{2, 1}) & Sb(b_{2, 2}) & Sb(b_{2, 3}) & Sb(b_{2, 4}) & Sb(b_{2, 5}) & Sb(b_{2, 6}) & Sb(b_{2, 7}) \\ Sb(b_{3, 0}) & Sb(b_{3, 1}) & Sb(b_{3, 2}) & Sb(b_{3, 3}) & Sb(b_{3, 4}) & Sb(b_{3, 5}) & Sb(b_{3, 6}) & Sb(b_{3, 7}) \\ \end{matrix} \right]. \end{align*} $$

6. RW's Shuffle

RW's Shuffle is a sequence of three basic operations:

  1. Shuffle $S$: A permutation that only applies inside quad-words.
  2. Mix Column $M$: A matrix multiplication with elements on $\text{GF}(2^8)$, in which the matrix used is self-invertible.
  3. Reshuffle $S^{-1}$: The inverse of Shuffle $S$.

So the RW's Shuffle is defined as

$$ SH(B) = S^{-1}(M(S(B))). $$

The following chart shows the structure of RW's Shuffle.

flowchart LR

    classDef word fill:#edf,stroke:#96c,color:#639
    classDef op fill:#def,stroke:#69c,color:#369

    subgraph RW's Shuffle
        direction LR


6.1. Single Shuffle/Reshuffle Operation

Two constants used for shuffle operation: Upper Mask $u = \text{0x9292929292929292}$ and Lower Mask $l = \text{0x6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d}$. They satisfy:

  1. $u \oplus l = \text{0xffffffffffffffff} = (\underbrace{111 \dots 11}_{64})_2$.
  2. $u \lll 8 = u$, $u \ggg 8 = u$, $l \lll 8 = l$, $l \ggg 8 = l$, where $\lll$ and $\ggg$ represents cyclic left and right shift of quad-word.

The single shuffle operation $s$ operates on quad-word, and receive two more parameters: $sd$ for digits to shift, $so$ for shuffle operation. $s$ is as follows:

$$ s(q, sd, so) = ((q \land u) \lll (8 \cdot so) \oplus (q \land l)) \ggg sd $$

where $\land$ stands for bitwise and (AND) operation.

The single reshuffle operation, the inverse of the single shuffle operation, is defined as follows:

$$ s^{-1}(q, sd, so) = ((q \lll sd) \land u) \ggg (8 \cdot so) \oplus ((q \lll sd) \land l). $$

The following charts show the procedure of a single shuffle operation:

flowchart LR
    subgraph Single Reshuffle
        direction LR
        F1--Cyclic\nLeft Shift-->E1
        D1--Cyclic\nRight Shift--->B1
    subgraph Single Shuffle
        direction LR
        B--Cyclic\nLeft Shift--->D
        E--Cyclic\nRight Shift-->F

6.2. Shuffle/Reshuffle

Shuffle operation is defined as

$$ S(B) = S(\left[ \begin{matrix} q_0\\ q_1\\ q_2\\ q_3\\ \end{matrix} \right]) = \left[ \begin{matrix} s(q_0, 5, 1)\\ s(q_1, 23, 3)\\ s(q_2, 41, 5)\\ s(q_3, 59, 7)\\ \end{matrix} \right], $$

with Reshuffle operation defined as

$$ S^{-1}(B) = S^{-1}(\left[ \begin{matrix} q_0\\ q_1\\ q_2\\ q_3\\ \end{matrix} \right]) = \left[ \begin{matrix} s^{-1}(q_0, 5, 1)\\ s^{-1}(q_1, 23, 3)\\ s^{-1}(q_2, 41, 5)\\ s^{-1}(q_3, 59, 7)\\ \end{matrix} \right]. $$

6.3. Mix Column

The Mix Column operation $M$ is as follows:

$$ \begin{align*} M(B) & = X \cdot B\\ & = \left[ \begin{matrix} 03 & 01 & 02 & 01\\ 01 & 03 & 01 & 02\\ 02 & 01 & 03 & 01\\ 01 & 02 & 01 & 03\\ \end{matrix} \right] \cdot \left[ \begin{matrix} b_{0, 0} & b_{0, 1} & b_{0, 2} & b_{0, 3} & b_{0, 4} & b_{0, 5} & b_{0, 6} & b_{0, 7}\\ b_{1, 0} & b_{1, 1} & b_{1, 2} & b_{1, 3} & b_{1, 4} & b_{1, 5} & b_{1, 6} & b_{1, 7}\\ b_{2, 0} & b_{2, 1} & b_{2, 2} & b_{2, 3} & b_{2, 4} & b_{2, 5} & b_{2, 6} & b_{2, 7}\\ b_{3, 0} & b_{3, 1} & b_{3, 2} & b_{3, 3} & b_{3, 4} & b_{3, 5} & b_{3, 6} & b_{3, 7}\\ \end{matrix} \right]. \end{align*} $$

Each byte represents an element on $\text{GF}(2^8)$, so the multiplication and addition for each element follows the ones on $\text{GF}(2^8)$.

The matrix

$$ X = \left[ \begin{matrix} 03 & 01 & 02 & 01\\ 01 & 03 & 01 & 02\\ 02 & 01 & 03 & 01\\ 01 & 02 & 01 & 03\\ \end{matrix} \right] $$

is a self-invertible matrix, that is,

$$ X^2 = \left[ \begin{matrix} 03 & 01 & 02 & 01\\ 01 & 03 & 01 & 02\\ 02 & 01 & 03 & 01\\ 01 & 02 & 01 & 03\\ \end{matrix} \right] \cdot \left[ \begin{matrix} 03 & 01 & 02 & 01\\ 01 & 03 & 01 & 02\\ 02 & 01 & 03 & 01\\ 01 & 02 & 01 & 03\\ \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} 01 & 00 & 00 & 00\\ 00 & 01 & 00 & 00\\ 00 & 00 & 01 & 00\\ 00 & 00 & 00 & 01\\ \end{matrix} \right] = I. $$

So the Mix Column operation satisfies that

$$ M(M(B)) = X \cdot X \cdot B = B, $$

that is, the Mix Column operation is self-invertible.

6.4. RW's Shuffle's Self-Invertibility

RW's Shuffle $SH$ is self-invertible, because

$$ \begin{align*} SH(SH(B)) & = S^{-1}(M(S(S^{-1}(M(S(B)))))) \\ & = S^{-1}(M(M(S(B)))) \\ & = S^{-1}(S(B)) \\ & = B. \end{align*} $$

7. Expand Key

The Expand Key operation is to expand the inputted key into round keys. Notations of round keys are in Section 4.

For key length of 256/384/512 bits, say the key constant

$$ nk = \left\lbrace \begin{align*} 4,\ & \text{key length = 256 bits} \\ 6,\ & \text{key length = 384 bits} \\ 8,\ & \text{key length = 512 bits} \\ \end{align*} \right., $$

and the amount of rounds

$$ r = \left\lbrace \begin{align*} 12,\ & \text{key length = 256 bits} \\ 15,\ & \text{key length = 384 bits} \\ 18,\ & \text{key length = 512 bits} \\ \end{align*} \right.. $$

To protect the inputted key, a sequence of round constants is defined in bytes ($rc$) and in quad-words ($rcon$):

$$ \begin{align*} rc_i &= (02){16}^{i} \text{ in GF} (2^8), \ rcon_i &= \left[ \begin{matrix} rc{8i} & rc_{8i + 1} & rc_{8i + 2} & rc_{8i + 3} & rc_{8i + 4} & rc_{8i + 5} & rc_{8i + 6} & rc_{8i + 7} \ \end{matrix} \right]. \end{align*} $$

7.1. Encryption Key Generation

Let $k_i$ be the $i$-th quad-word of the inputted key. As $rk_i$ represents $i$-th quad-word of all round keys, we can derive round keys using following operations:

$$ rk_i = \left\lbrace \begin{align*} & k_i, && \text{if } 0 \leqslant i < nk ,\\ & rk_{i - nk} \oplus Sq(s(rk_{i - 1}, 25, 4)) \oplus rcon_{(i / nk) - 1}, && \text{if } nk \leqslant i < 4(r + 1) \text{ and } i \equiv 0 \ (\text{mod } nk),\\ & rk_{i - nk} \oplus Sq(rk_{i - 1}), && \text{if } nk \leqslant i < 4(r + 1) \text{ and } i \equiv \frac{nk}{2} \ (\text{mod } nk),\\ & rk_{i - nk} \oplus rk_{i - 1}, && \text{otherwise}.\\ \end{align*} \right. $$

In which $Sq$ is the Substitute Quad-Word operation defined in Section 5.2 and $s$ is the Single Shuffle operation defined in Section 6.1.

7.2. Decryption Key Generation

If the decryption structure is the same as the encryption structure depicted in Section 3, then the order of $SH$ and $RK$ is reversed in all rounds except 0th round and the last round. Besides changing the order of round key blocks $R_i$ used, an additional operation should be used.

Because $SH$ is a linear function, it can be easily proven that

$$ SH(B \oplus R_i) = SH(B) \oplus SH(R_i). $$

Because $SH$ is self-invertible, the decryption key of $i$-th round

$$ R_i' = \left\lbrace \begin{align*} & R_{r - i}, && \text{ if } i = 0 \text{ or } i = r,\\ & SH(R_{r - i}), && \text{ otherwise}.\\ \end{align*} \right. $$

Appendix A. S-Box and S-Box Inverse


_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
0_ 28 50 a7 91 08 8f 2c 61 d6 a3 a0 79 bd 84 97 47
1_ 46 e1 9d 5b 1c b7 98 cd 11 43 77 90 af f3 ea 26
2_ 7d 8c f5 a5 ef b0 70 78 1a f8 51 00 ed ce c8 87
3_ 4e 83 7f f2 4d 5a bb cb 5e 8a ba 6c 22 4c fd c7
4_ 0d 19 21 95 39 fe 1e c9 20 32 45 38 59 62 0f 67
5_ 99 6a 6d 85 30 3b 80 a6 36 74 49 6b ca f9 f6 7c
6_ 2b 89 63 a8 1b 5f 2d c6 aa 65 e7 d2 92 d1 4b 15
7_ 72 06 a2 07 05 7b c3 3c 68 13 3d cf 6f fb 88 c4
8_ d4 dd 18 86 e9 ff b9 b5 e6 75 ee 17 0c be 5d 53
9_ 7e 55 31 9c fc 60 71 df 66 3e 16 ab c2 9b 14 d5
a_ 7a 64 40 ae 54 96 e0 3a 27 da f0 33 e2 44 9f 25
b_ a4 48 cc b6 3f b1 d7 04 dc bf fa 2f b8 12 9a b3
c_ a9 bc 23 eb 81 01 4a b2 0e c0 e5 ac 2a 2e 1f 6e
d_ 5c f4 02 93 76 37 d3 35 ad 8d 52 d9 29 f7 db 57
e_ 4f 24 03 34 0a f1 94 9e 82 d8 8e 8b 1d 10 e4 0b
f_ 56 e8 58 c5 73 a1 de c1 42 d0 ec 69 b4 41 09 e3

S-Box Inverse:

_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _a _b _c _d _e _f
0_ 2b c5 d2 e2 b7 74 71 73 04 fe e4 ef 8c 40 c8 4e
1_ ed 18 bd 79 9e 6f 9a 8b 82 41 28 64 14 ec 46 ce
2_ 48 42 3c c2 e1 af 1f a8 00 dc cc 60 06 66 cd bb
3_ 54 92 49 ab e3 d7 58 d5 4b 44 a7 55 77 7a 99 b4
4_ a2 fd f8 19 ad 4a 10 0f b1 5a c6 6e 3d 34 30 e0
5_ 01 2a da 8f a4 91 f0 df f2 4c 35 13 d0 8e 38 65
6_ 95 07 4d 62 a1 69 98 4f 78 fb 51 5b 3b 52 cf 7c
7_ 26 96 70 f4 59 89 d4 1a 27 0b a0 75 5f 20 90 32
8_ 56 c4 e8 31 0d 53 83 2f 7e 61 39 eb 21 d9 ea 05
9_ 1b 03 6c d3 e6 43 a5 0e 16 50 be 9d 93 12 e7 ae
a_ 0a f5 72 09 b0 23 57 02 63 c0 68 9b cb d8 a3 1c
b_ 25 b5 c7 bf fc 87 b3 15 bc 86 3a 36 c1 0c 8d b9
c_ c9 f7 9c 76 7f f3 67 3f 2e 47 5c 37 b2 17 2d 7b
d_ f9 6d 6b d6 80 9f 08 b6 e9 db a9 de b8 81 f6 97
e_ a6 11 ac ff ee ca 88 6a f1 84 1e c3 fa 2c 8a 24
f_ aa e5 33 1d d1 22 5e dd 29 5d ba 7d 94 3e 45 85

Appendix B. Trivia

  • The matrix $A$ used in Section 5.1 is a circulant matrix generated from value 0xd3, which is the product of 'R' (0x52) and 'W' (0x57) on Galois Field $\text{GF}(2^8)$.

  • The constant value 0xa4 used in Section 5.1 represents the sum of hex value of string "RichadoWonosas", which is exactly 0x5a4.

  • Another constant value 0xe3 used in Section 5.1 is chosen to make the S-Box a cyclic permutation.

  • The Upper Mask $u$ used in Section 6.1 is inspired from a certain rhythm type.

  • The four digits-to-shifts set in Section 6.2 (5, 23, 41, 59) form an arithmetic progression with all elements are prime number, and the average of them is 32, half of the bit amount of quad-word.

  • The matrix $X$ used in Section 6.3 is the 27th candidate of all small-index self-invertible matrices generated by ascending exhaustive search.