
Build Status


$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Browse http://localhost:4000.

With Docker

Install Docker

Then build the image

$ docker build --rm -t jekyll-clermontech .

Now run your image:

$ docker run --rm -ti -p 4000:4000 -v $PWD:/srv jekyll-clermontech exec jekyll serve --host= --future

Browse http://localhost:4000.

Generator script

You will find a generator script in the bin directory. For now it only generates a new API Hour page and its linked talk pages.

To ease its usage, we provide a Dockerfile in the ./docker/node directory. If you don't want to use Docker, you will need a node distribution with full-icu configured and the $VISUAL (or $EDITOR) environment variables set to point to an installed editor from your system.

To build the Docker image, run:

$ docker build -t node_clermontech docker/node

Use it:

$ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/srv node_clermontech yarn install
$ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/srv node_clermontech ./bin/generator api-hour

The Rules

If you want to publish a new page/post, make sure they meet these guidelines below.

New API Hour Page

Run the script ./bin/generator api-hour it will ask you some questions and will create the API Hour and talks pages.

Once generated you can of course edit them.

missing information once page generated :

  • the eventbrite id to embed the subscription widget. replace TO_REPLACE by the id and you will have the widget working.

If you want to create it manually, follow the instructions below :

Create a new file using the following pattern, where {year}-{month}-{day} is the current day, and {number} the API Hour number:


The filename MUST be all lowercase.

Here is the default template:

layout: post
category: api-hours


title: Clermont'ech API Hour #{number}
description: this will be the meta description tag content

## Concept

## Informations pratiques

## Inscription

## Programme

### {speaker's full name} • {talk's title}

[ ## Sponsors ]

You MUST add a map in the Informations pratiques section.

You SHOULD add an Eventbrite widget in the Inscription section.

You MAY want to add a Sponsors section, it should be the last one.

You can change the "mascotte" image (bottom right) by setting the mascotte_img. The flickr_set_id number allows to fetch pictures from Flickr.

New Talk Page

Create a new file using the pattern above, where {year}-{month}-{day} is the current day, {rank} the passing order, {speaker} the speaker's full name, and {talk} the talk's title:


The filename MUST be all lowercase.

Here is the default template:

layout: talk
categories: [talks, api-hour-{number} ]

session_url: /api-hours/api-hour-{number}.html
session_name: Clermont'ech API Hour #{number
session_short_name: "#{number}"

author: {speaker}


title: {talk}
description: this will be the meta description tag content


The talk MUST belong to the talks category.

The talk MUST belong to the api-hour-{number} category, where {number} is the API Hour number.


Zurb Foundation is released under the MIT license.