
Dashboard view

This is version 2 of munkireport-php, a reporting client for munki. The previous version of munkireport is still available on googlecode: munkireport-php. I moved the project to github because github is just awesome!

This project is a complete rewrite from the previous version, which was a quick-and-dirty port from the original python based munkireport [].

The project is still a work-in-progress, although I'm using it in a production environment for quite some time now.


  • Quick overview of your mac fleet with a dashboard
  • Get reports on many features (hardware types, disk usage, etc)
  • Lightweight: only sends reports when facts have changed
  • Responsive webdesign (looks good on large and small screens)
  • more features


Setup is easy, you could be running your own reportingserver within minutes!

Please read the install manual

System Requirements

Apart from munki clients doing reporting, Munkireport relies on:


  • A webserver (runs fine with Apache, IIS and nginx)
  • php version 5 with pdo-sqlite3 and libxml


  • a Modern webbrowser
  • For persistent storage (sorting and search in datatables) you need a browser that supports localStorage


For questions about using munkireport or setting up munkireport, you can use:

For developers who want to contribute to the project:


If you want to contribute to munkireport2, please

External projects

Munkireport-php makes use of these fine software packages: