initial note


about some SUSv3 Code, need to group C library, C++ library and SUSv3 library individually

/* C library */
#include <errno.h>

/* SUSv3 */
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h> // file control options
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

/* get file metadata */
struct stat sb;
int rv = fstat(fd, &sb); assert(rv == 0);

// TODO:
#include <stdexcept>

1'000'000 integer liberature would be allowed in c++14

MAP_POPULATE macro doesn't exist in macOS for mmap()

read in binary: xxd file | more or: hexdump -C file.bin

jump between empty lines, } and { in vim

how to do paralle: only parallel query

#pragma once

// Use placement new. Node *n = new (nodes + i) Node{array[i]};

about binary file: using C library fopen, etc using SUSv3 system call, open, read, write

    // way 1: for each attributes, call read once, but system call is expensive
    numRead = read(fd, &trainfileID, sizeof(trainfileID));

    // way 2, preseve data in  char buf[] first and then pass data to data structure
    char buf[TFH_SZ];
    int numRead = read(fd, buf, TFH_SZ);

    // way 3, create a struct, then read and wirte it as a whole
    // potencial allignment problem
    struct TrainingFileHeader{
        char filetype[8]; /* TRAINING */
        uint64_t trainingFileID;
        uint64_t numPoints;
        uint64_t numDims;
    fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
    read(fd, &tfd2, sizeof(tfd2));
    // don't using assert because it checks training file,
    // which doesn't necessary come from me
    assert(numRead == TFH_SZ);

trick format of cstring from:

    printf("%.*s", len, str);

BoundedPQueue is a good example to use ctor()=delete; As author would wanna disable default constructor.

and explicit key word would be useful to force client use the function as required. No implicit type convertion is allowed.


  • time measure
  • parallel
  • writing data
  • [ ]

TODO in mail:

ESR, structure padding:

#include <cstdint> // Use stdint.h if using C.
    struct TrainingHdr {
        char type_string[8];
        uint64_t id;
        uint64_t n_points;
        uint64_t n_dims;
    } __attribute__((packed));

Define these preprocessor symbols:


In particular, std::vector indexing with [] is now range checked. (Indexing with .at() is always range-checked.)

a good reading about copy elision and std::move:

something about shell history history | tail -50 | grep "something" !numofCommand

manage python library

this is time to master python Anaconda

from: /usr is for "User System Resource" not original user

as I would use command line like 4 arguments, it would be nice to have a key map that do move cursor forward a word, delete a word, move to begin(), move to end() TODO: learn ZSH and oh-my-shell

great the correctness is proved

"the linux programming interface",

Single UNIX Specification version 3 (SUSv3) portable operating system interface (POSIX)

chapter 4 File I/O: the Universal I/O Model

chapter 5 File I/O: Further Details

chapter 15 File Attributes

!! 15.4.2 Permissions on Directory, page.297

chapter 36 Process Resource

chapter 49 memory mappings

Appendix A Tracing system call

macOS doesn't have strace tool

Appendix B parsing command-line options