This Nx monorepo example is to show that the runtimeArgs flag is not working as expected.

nx serve cdi --runtimeArgs=test

nx report output

 >  NX   Report complete - copy this into the issue template

   Node : 18.12.1
   OS   : darwin arm64
   npm  : 8.19.2

   nx                      : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/js                : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/jest              : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/linter            : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/workspace         : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/cli               : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/devkit            : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/esbuild           : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx  : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/node              : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/tao               : 15.8.6
   @nrwl/webpack           : 15.8.6
   typescript              : 4.9.5