SDL2 Project Template

This is a really basic SDL2 project template for the C programming language.

Included is some boilerplate code to get you up and running quickly, and a Makefile to build.

It is intended for use on the *nix operating systems so linux, OSX, etc...

What do we have here?

  • Makefile - use make to build and make clean to delete built files between major builds
  • src/main.c - program entry point. Creates an instance of the Game struct and calls the init_game, run_game, and destroy_game functions.
  • src/game/init_game.c - initializes the game
  • src/game/run_game.c - runs the game
  • src/game/destroy_game.c - destroys (cleans up allocations of) the game
  • src/game/game.h - master game header include file - defines the Game struct and function prototypes for the other .c files.

What does it do?

Currently, nothing but opens up a window that is 640x480 in size and clears the window to a nice blue color while waiting for you to press the escape key on your keyboard or just close the window.

Why do I need this?

You don't need it. But it's here if you want to quickly start up an SDL2 project in C and not have to think about how to do so.


MIT License (c) 2018, Richard Marks See the included file for more details.