
Docker image with presentational superpowers 🚀

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Simple Presentations in Docker

sent | software that sucks less

  • Roboto Font
  • Noto Emoji Font NOTE: SVG/Color fonts are not supported by sent
  • Everything you need in only 16mb sir
  • No more need for clunky software like Powerpoint.
  • Write presentations in plaintext.
  • Forces you to use Takahashi Method forcing your presentations to be simple and higher quality.
  • includes progress-bar and command-line options patches
  • Dockerize all the things allthethings


  • X11 Window Server


Download XQuartz

Open XQuartz

open -a XQuartz

In the XQuartz preferences, go to the “Security” tab and make sure you’ve got 'Allow connections from network clients' ticked

Run xhost and allow connections from your local machine:

xhost +


You'll need a X Window server, I recommend looking up gui apps docker windows. The DSIPLAY variable is set to the host machine's IP address already. Changing it is simple by adding -e DISPLAY=$MYIP on docker run.


docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY richjs/sent

Example Presentation

docker run richjs/sent

Custom Presentation

First make a new directory somewhere on your machine and create a file following sent's instructions here or check out the example file in this repo under the example directory

docker run -v $MY_PRESENTATION_DIR:/opt/sent richjs/sent filename


# usage: sent [-c fgcolor] [-b bgcolor] [-f font] [file]
docker run richjs/sent -f roboto -b \#ffffff -c \#fb3300 ./example

Docker FTW!
