
An Android study app that helps you study when you least expect it. Nobody wants to study long sessions the night before, so lets prevent this by breaking your study into bursts, one question at a time.

How it Works

This app is based off of your personal Quizlet sets. You are able to choose your favorite sets, based on the latest sets you've seen and set those as your current study sets.

One question from any of your current sets will appear as soon as you unlock your phone. Answer the question, then you will be shown the correct answer and the app will close.


Someone should be able to passively study 400 questions a week, based on the average of 1 question per phone unlock for 80 times per day a person unlock phones for 5 business days.


  • Make this app flexible and personal to anyone's goals.
    • Allow questions to not only show up on phone unlock, but in random intervals also/instead
    • Allow sets to be searched within the app
    • Allow for certain questions to be ignored and/or skipped
    • Allow users to set preferred study days

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need Android Studio to develop this. It is recommended that you have a personal Quizlet account.


Clone the repository and begin!


Want to be a contributor? Do it!

All help is appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details