an integrated open mineral spectral library from shared libraries (USGS,JHU,JPL,ASU,MISA, etc.) and measurement spectra in our own laboratory. We hope that more researchers will join to improve the availability and practical value of RockSL for remote sensing community.
Spectral Library | Wavelength range | Particle size | Shared Format | Data resource |
USGS | 0.2-200μm | μm level | ASCII | |
JPL | 0.4-2.5μm | <45μm,45-125μm,125-500μm | ASCII | |
JHU | 0.4-14μm; 2.08-25μm | μm level | ASCII | |
PDS | 0.3-26.0μm | μm level | ASCII | |
ASU | 5.0-45μm | 710-1000μm | ASCII/HDF | |
MISA | 0.25-5.0μm | / | Image | |
CSU Lab | 0.3-14μm | μm level | ASCII/CSV | |
The data structure of RockSL (shown in Figure 1) contained several relational data tables mainly used to save reference spectral data with related parameters, attribute data, classification code of rocks and minerals, and the specific information of spectrometers. The relational table of rock/mineral code as the main relational table was designed to store sematic and classification contents for data consolidation from diverse regions, and to facilitate rapid retrieval. The relational table of mineral/rock code and mineral/rock type records the classification information. The table of mineral/rock attribute records the physical and chemical properties, while spectral data information records spectral data and related metadata. The table of instrument information records the spectrometer information. The numbers (i.e., 1 and m) represent the number of records in each table, indicating that one record in the table (e.g., code of mineral/rock type) corresponds to multiple records in another table (e.g., code of mineral/rock).
The reflection spectrum of rock/mineral is mainly affected by its chemical composition, mineral purity and crystal structure. In addition to intrinsic factors, spectral data is affected by many variation factors such as sample granularity, roughness, observation method and sample compositions, which were expressed as metadata of spectral data. Metadata as a central component in the quality and reliability of spectral data contains further information of the sampling environment and measurement conditions, which is important to support the explanation of scientific data and ensure long-term data usability and exchange. It was verified that there has less effort on providing a standard metadata model to facilitate spectral data interoperability. In order to improve the universality and accuracy of the metadata, we referred to the main documents from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO). The Metadata variables of data model in RockSL is shown below.
Variable | Explanation |
Mineral/rock code | Code of mineral/rock based on classification scheme |
Sample code | Code of each specimen |
Chinese Name | Name of specimen in Chinese |
English Name | Name of specimen in English |
Type code | Code of type of specimen (e.g., halides) |
Locality | Spatial sampling position (longitude/latitude/altitude) |
Chemistry | Chemical composition |
Ideal Chemistry | Chemical formula |
Particle Size | Particle size of measured specimen |
Pictures | Image depicting the specimen/sampling environment |
Spectral Coordinate | Spectral data |
Wavelength range | Wavelength range |
Wavelength interval | Wavelength interval |
Data type | Data type (Reflectance, Radiance…) |
Database Name | Name of shared database |
All Information | Original information downloaded from libraries |
URL | URL link of target library |
Description | Descriptive Information of target library |
Sampling time | Date and time of the sampling in UTC. |
Measurement type | directional-hemispherical, bidirectional, hemispherical-directional reflectance |
Instrument/spectrometer | Specific instrument |
Measurement Temperature | Air temperature in degrees |
Measurement Pressure | Air pressure in hPa |
Measured environment | Field or laboratory |
Contributor | Name of contributor |
Measured distance | Distance of the sensor to the target |
Measured angle | Zenith angle between sensor and specimen |
White reference | White reference plane used |
Number of averaged spectra | Number of spectra averaged internally by the instrument |
File Name | File name of the spectral file |
File format | File format of the spectral file |
Image ID | Code of curve image through vectorization of extraction of digital coordinate |
Data level | Data quality rating based on the parameter integrity (characterized degree) |
Data feature | The type of spectral data based on a customized classifier |
Xie, B., Zhou, S., Wu, L., Mao, W., Wang, W., 2021. RockSL: an integrated rock spectral library for better global shared services(accepted), Big Earth Data, DOI:
RockSL database management is a software used to manage, analyse and visualize mineral spectrum data. This software can realize the import of shared spectral data and related data at home and abroad, quality control of spectrum data, pre-classification of spectrum data, data retrieval, spectral Data analysis and spcetral matching the unknown spectrum. This software can help users better realize the management of large amounts of spectral data and applications related to mineral identification. At present, we will upload the corresponding user documents (currently in Chinese, and the English documents will be updated later). At present, we have applied for software copyright for this system.
The module for importing data (One of system modules)
This work is mainly to unify the format and semantics of spectral data of each shared spectral library and tested data. If there exists the problem with quality of shared data , please contact original developers or visit related website. Besides, if the RockSL is cited in your scientific research projects or papers, please pay attention to cite the relevant works of shared database creators (you can get in touch with me or go to the corresponding official website).
This data release provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Spectral Library Version 7 and all related documents. The library contains spectra measured with laboratory, field, and airborne spectrometers. The instruments used cover wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the far infrared (0.2 to 200 microns). Laboratory samples of specific minerals, plants, chemical compounds, and man-made materials were measured. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. You should reference the following articles: Kokaly, R.F., Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Livo, K.E., Hoefen, T.M., Pearson, N.C., Wise, R.A., Benzel, W.M., Lowers, H.A., Driscoll, R.L., and Klein, A.J., 2017, USGS Spectral Library Version 7: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1035, 61 p.,
The ECOSTRESS spectral library includes data from three other spectral libraries: Johns Hopkins University (JHU)、Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and United States Geological Survey (USGS - Reston). If you use data from the ECOSTRESS spectral library in a publication we ask that you reference the following articles:
- Meerdink, S. K., Hook, S. J., Roberts, D. A., & Abbott, E. A. (2019). The ECOSTRESS spectral library version 1.0. Remote Sensing of Environment, 230(111196), 1–8.
- Baldridge, A. M., S.J. Hook, C.I. Grove and G. Rivera, 2009.The ASTER Spectral Library Version 2.0. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol 113, pp. 711-715.
Many people at ASU contributed their time and effort to make this library a high quality resource. Therefore, if data form this library are published as part of scientific research or other work, we request that the appropriate document [Christensen et al, 2000] be referenced. Because many of the library samples were obtained for specific research tasks at ASU, additional references to papers written by ASU personnel utilizing these mineral spectra are located on the References webpage and may contain information of interest to users of the library. If you have any questions about the library or references, please contact Josh Bandfield or Steve Ruff.
Data sets archived in the PDS are in the public domain. All PDS data sets in the PDS Geosciences Node Spectral Library may be downloaded by anyone for free.PDS data sets are classified TSPA (Technology and Software Publicly Available) by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration, and may be exported outside the United States as public open literature. When PDS data sets are used in published literature or other applications, they should be cited appropriately (see below). You can visit the website to obtain DOI
If you need to cite data from this database in your thesis or other articles, please use the following description: Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Chemistry database [DB/OL].[1978-2016]
All data in this repository was collected/calculated/calibrated from multiple publicly available data sources that do not always agree. While we'll try our best to keep the information up to correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, with respect to the data. We do not bear any legal responsibility for any consequence caused by the usage of data provided. Reliance on the data for use of the data in commerce is strictly prohibited.
- We will upload and collect more relevant open source and test spectrum data and update them later,
- We will upload the database management software of the RockSL (this dataset is built based on SQL server and would be distributed in SQLite).
- we will establish the website for mineral/rock spectral data interchange.