The codebase for Data-driven general-purpose voice activity detection.
- 1
prepare label error
#23 opened by lzhin - 11
- 7
The error about “python3 wavs.txt -o hdf5/balanced.h5”,too
#20 opened by TryHard-LL - 7
Training from scratch [Data format query]
#18 opened by sanchit-ahuja - 1
Provide teacher pretrained for project
#15 opened by vietnvri - 3
How to train "teacher"?
#8 opened by caiyongqi - 2
Using the SRE model for other languages
#17 opened by sanchit-ahuja - 4
- 2
Script for Audioset downloader
#14 opened by vietnvri - 1
- 6
Evaluation set could provide?
#11 opened by wcangyu - 4
- 7
About how to perform fine-tunning
#7 opened by AjianIronSide - 4
- 2
- 1
Testset C came which one tasks in DCASE18?
#2 opened by Qoboty