
CNN model for relation extraction using rich features

Primary LanguagePython


CNN model for relation extraction using rich features Relation Extraction

Dev environment setup

Python 3 is the main language used in this codebase. We strongly encourage the use of Python virtual environments:

virtualenv venv -p /usr/bin/python3
source venv/bin/activate

After which, you can install the required Python modules via

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need Stanford Core NLP libraries. Download them into your local directory and unzip it:

wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09.zip
unzip stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09.zip

Data Preprocessing

First, we convert the public datasets into our JSON format for ease of use.

python -m i2r.relation_extraction.jsonify --format ace2005 -i LDC2006T06/ace_2005_td_v7/data/English -o data/ace2005.json

python -m i2r.relation_extraction.jsonify --format semeval2010 -i SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_training/TRAIN_FILE.TXT -o data/semeval2010.train.json
python -m i2r.relation_extraction.jsonify --format semeval2010 -i SemEval2010_task8_all_data/SemEval2010_task8_testing_keys/TEST_FILE_FULL.TXT -o data/semeval2010.test.json

We currently have the following formats:

An example of JSONified semeval2010 instance:

   "docid": 1,
   "mentions": [
         "id": 1,
         "start_char": 73,
         "end_char": 85,
         "text": "configuration"
         "id": 2,
         "start_char": 98,
         "end_char": 105,
         "text": "elements"
   "relations": [
         "id": 1,
         "type": "Component-Whole",
         "arg1": 2,
         "arg2": 1
   "content": "The system as described above has its greatest application in an arrayed configuration of antenna elements.",
   "metadata": {
      "comment": "Comment: Not a collection: there is structure here, organisation."
   "source": "semeval2010"

Training a model

Use the i2r.relation_extraction.train script to train a relation extraction model.

python -m i2r.relation_extraction.train data/semeval2010.train.json

Model Feature Description

Lexical Features LexicalFeaturesTransformer

  • m1_before_lemma:
  • m1_2_before_lemma:
  • m1_after_lemma:
  • m1_2_after_lemma:
  • m2_before_lemma:
  • m2_2_before_lemma:
  • m2_after_lemma:
  • mention_token_distance:
  • mention_char_distance:
  • m1_before_m2:
  • m1_token_count:
  • m2_token_count:
  • m1_char_count:
  • m2_char_count:
  • punctuation_marks_in_between_mentions:

POS Tagging Features POSFeaturesTransformer

  • pos_tag_of_m1:
  • pos_tag_of_m2:
  • m1_before_pos:
  • m1_2_before_pos:
  • m1_after_pos:
  • m1_2_after_pos:
  • m2_before_pos:
  • m2_2_before_pos:
  • m2_after_pos:
  • m2_2_after_pos:

Dependency Parsing Features DependencyFeaturesTransformer

  • m1_parent_nodes:
  • m2_parent_nodes:
  • common_parent:
  • m1_to_common_parent:
  • m2_to_common_parent:
  • dependency_head_path:
  • dependency_child_path:
  • dependency_relation_path:
  • relative_distance1:
  • relative_distance2:

Word Embedding Features WordembeddingFeaturesTransformer

  • word_embedding_of_m1:
  • word_embedding_of_m2:
  • avg_word_embedding_in_between:
  • avg_word_embedding_in_front:
  • avg_word_embedding_behind: