
BookStore on line with search mechanism

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bookstore created in fullstack curse from Alura

🪧 Vitrine.Dev
✨ Nome BookStore Online with search mechanism
🏷️ Tecnologias react, node.js, mongoDB
🚀 URL https://github.com/Richke2005/Biblioteca-js
🔥 Desafio


Project Description

In this project, a comprehensive full-stack integration has been implemented, seamlessly incorporating React and MongoDB. The frontend component of the system facilitates book searches within the MongoDB database, enabling the addition of new entries. Additionally, a RESTful API has been developed to efficiently retrieve and supply data for utilization in the frontend.

The progression of this project has been a source of personal satisfaction, providing valuable insights into the intricacies of JavaScript libraries. The experiential learning gained through the development process has further enriched my proficiency in this domain.

🚧 Project in development 🚧

🔨 Features

  • Feature 1: Data searches
  • Feature 2: Add favorite books to the list

📁 Access to the Project

You can download a zip version of this project on GitHub or download via CLI using Git.
To use Git, follow these steps:

  1. Download Git's control system from the website
  2. After installing on your computer, clone the repository using this command
    git clone https://github.com/Richke2005/Biblioteca-js

🛠️ Open and Run the Project

To run the two branches, follow these steps:

  1. Inside the cloned folder, open the Git CLI and switch to the backend branch using git checkout backend or git switch backend
  2. Download the dependencies using npm install
  3. In the root of the backend directory, type npm run dev
  4. Download the frontend (main branch) in another folder
  5. Download the dependencies again using npm install
  6. Run using npm run start