
Jogo da velha em C

Primary LanguageC


In this project of noughts and crosses, I developed my C skills by working with modularization, pointers, and matrices. The process helped me to develop some logic skills to design and implement efficient algorithms for game logic. By breaking down the program into smaller, manageable modules, I learned the importance of modularization in maintaining and scaling code.

Working with pointers allowed me to manipulate data structures directly, enhancing my understanding of memory management and the importance of efficient memory usage. Implementing the game grid as a matrix improved my ability to handle multi-dimensional arrays and perform operations on them.

Furthermore, debugging and testing the game strengthened my problem-solving abilities and attention to detail, as I had to ensure the game ran smoothly under various conditions and input scenarios. Overall, this project not only solidified my understanding of core C programming concepts but also honed my logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in software development.