
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript


QueryIQ is an intuitive web application designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of Google searches. It allows users to perform advanced searches using specific filters, save and view their search history, and edit and delete previous searches. QueryIQ simplifies the use of advanced online search tools and makes these features more accessible.


  • Advanced search: Allows users to enter queries with advanced search filters to refine results.
  • Search history: Automatically saves queries in a searchable history.
  • History management: Allows users to view, edit and delete items in their search history.


  1. Clonez le référentiel : git clone https://github.com/votre-utilisateur/queryiq.git

  2. Navigate to the project directory : cd queryiq

  3. Open index.html in your browser to launch the application.

  4. Live demo : <QueryIQ>


Enter a query

Use the search form to enter your keywords and apply advanced filters if necessary.

enter a query

View history

Go to the "History" section to see your previous searches.

queries history

View query params

Go to the "Query params" section to see your query parms

query params


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

Fork the project.

  1. Create a branch for your feature (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  2. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  3. Push your branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  4. Open a Pull Request.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact wourichouf95@gmail.com
