
Create a list of your favorite restaurants and the cuisine they specialize in.

Primary LanguageC#

Favorite Restaurants

C# ASP.NET Core MVC and EF Core practice for Epicodus, 07.29.2020

By Brittany Lindgren, Erich Richter, & Taylor Somers


Keep track of your favorite restaurants, any details about them and what type of cuisine they specialize in with this nifty application.


Behavior Input Output Met? (Y/N)

Stretch Goals

Behavior Input Output Met? (Y/N)

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Follow this link to the project repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the "Clone or download" button to copy the project link.
  3. If you are comfortable with the command line, you can copy the project link and clone it through your command line with the command git clone. Otherwise, I recommend choosing "Download ZIP".
  4. Once the ZIP file has finished downloading, you can right click on the file to view the zip folder in your downloads.
  5. Right click on the project ZIP folder that you have just downloaded and choose the option "Copy To...", then choose the location where you would like to save this folder.
  6. Navigate to the final location where you have chosen to save the project folder.
  7. To view the code itself, right click, choose open with... and open using a text editor such as VS Code or Atom, etc.
  8. Once you are inside of your text editor, open the terminal. If you are in VS Code for example, this can be done by clicking on Terminal at the top of the editor and then selecting New Terminal. **You can navigate to different directories in the project by typing cd DirectoryName to go down into specific directories or cd .. to go back up one directory.
  9. Navigate to the Restaurant directory by typing cd Restaurant in your terminal and hitting enter. Then type the command dotnet restore,dotnet build, then dotnet run into your terminal and hit enter. You should see files appear inside of your bin folder. The bin folder should appear greyed out.
  10. Click on the link provided after you see now listening on: ... appear in your terminal.

Additional Setup/Installation Notes:

  • No additional code is necessary to view this project.
  • Do not alter the bin/ or obj/ directories or any of the files in them.

Known Bugs

Bug : Message Situation Resolved (Y/N) How was the issue resolved?
'RestaurantContext' does not contain a definition for 'Cuisines' and no accessible extension method 'Cuisines' accepting a first argument of type 'RestaurantContext' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [Restaurant] Setting up CuisinesController Index View Y Add public virtual DbSet<Cuisine> Cuisines { get; set; } to RestaurantContext.cs
The type name 'Models' does not exist in the type 'Restaurant' [Restaurant] Creating the Index view for Cuisine Y Added code to Controllers/RestaurantController
Cannot convert type 'Restaurant.Models.Restaurant.Models.Cuisine' to 'Restaurant.Models.Cuisine' [Restaurant] Creating the Index view for Cuisine Y Update EntityFrameworkCore to version 2.2.6, delete bin and obj folders, run dotnet restore and dotnet build, close and re-open VS Code
Controllers\RestaurantsController.cs(29,12): error CS0118: 'Restaurant' is a namespace but is used like a type [C:\Users\blindgren\Desktop\EPICODUS\Full Time Bootcamp\CS-and-NETCore\Restaurant.Solution\Restaurant\Restaurant.csproj] Running dotnet build Y Update EntityFrameworkCore to version 2.2.6, delete bin and obj folders, run dotnet restore and dotnet build, close and re-open VS Code
Controllers\RestaurantsController.cs(29,83): error CS1061: 'Restaurant' does not contain a definition for 'Cuisine' and no accessible extension method 'Cuisine' accepting a first argument of type 'Restaurant' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [C:\Users\blindgren\Desktop\EPICODUS\Full Time Bootcamp\CS-and-NETCore\Restaurant.Solution\Restaurant\Restaurant.csproj] Running dotnet build Y Update EntityFrameworkCore to version 2.2.6, delete bin and obj folders, run dotnet restore and dotnet build, close and re-open VS Code
Ambiguity between 'Views_Restaurants_Create.Html' and 'Views_Restaurants_Create.Html' [FavoriteRestaurant] Attempting to create dropdown box for Views/Restaurants/Create.cshtml Y Add datatype Health to property PassedHealthInspection in Restaurant.cs and update calls to datatype in other files.
Data truncated for column 'PassedHealthInspection' at row 1 Trying to submit form to create a new Restaurant Y Changed data type for PassedHealthInspection column from ENUM to INT and set our default to 1 which corresponds to the 'no' answer

Support and contact details

Please feel free to contact the authors through GitHub (LINDGRENBA, taylorsomers, RichterBros ) with any feedback, questions or concerns.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET-Core 2.2
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git Version Control
  • GitHub


This site is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 { Taylor Somers, Brittany Lindgren, Erich Richter}