
Primary LanguagePython

PR_Lab_7 Repository

Welcome to the PR_Lab_7 repository! This repository contains a collection of Python scripts designed to interact with web pages, extract information, and work with RabbitMQ for message queuing.

Repository Structure

The repository consists of the following Python scripts:

  1. homework.py: This script contains functions to extract information from a list of URLs using requests and BeautifulSoup. It processes each link, extracts specific details from the web pages, and returns the results in a structured format.

  2. in_class.py: This script is used for parsing a given website link and recursively navigating through pages using requests and BeautifulSoup. It collects links from the pages up to a specified maximum page number.

  3. json_writer.py: A utility script to write Python dictionaries into JSON files with proper formatting and encoding.

  4. rabbits.py: This script sets up RabbitMQ consumers (workers) that listen to a queue for tasks. It uses the pika library for RabbitMQ communication and TinyDB for storing the processed information.

  5. task_producer.py: It acts as a producer that sends tasks to the RabbitMQ queue. It uses the in_class.py script to parse links from a website and then queues them for processing by workers.

Getting Started

To use the scripts in this repository, you will need to have Python installed on your system along with the following packages:

  • requests
  • bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
  • pika
  • tinydb

You can install these packages using pip:

pip install requests bs4 pika tinydb

Additionally, you will need to have RabbitMQ server running on your local machine or accessible remotely to use rabbits.py and task_producer.py.



The task_producer.py script is responsible for extracting links from a specified website and queuing them as tasks for workers in a RabbitMQ queue. The script accepts command-line arguments to customize its behavior.

  • -n, --max_pages: The maximum number of pages to process from the website.
    • Type: int
    • Default: 1
    • Usage: python task_producer.py --max_pages 10


The rabbits.py script is used to start worker threads that process tasks from a RabbitMQ queue. You can configure the script using the following command-line arguments:

  • -t, --threads: The number of worker threads to run.
    • Type: int
    • Default: 3
    • Usage: python rabbits.py --threads 5