
Real-Time Image Caption Generator On Android (CUHK ELEG5491 Course Project)

Primary LanguageJava


The live demo video is available at the demo.mp4


  • If you don't want to train CNN model from scratch, you can download the MobileNetV2 pre-trained model is at: TensorFlow MobileNetV2; You will need to train the RNN model with the commands in Training step.
  • If you don't want to train the whole model, you can download the pre-trained model at: Pre-Trained Models, and put it into android project fold, and build the apk.
  • If you even don't want to build the apk, you can download the pre-built apk at: Pre-Built Apk


python main.py --mode train --caption_path ./Dataset/captions_train2014.json --feature_path ./Dataset/features.npy --data_is_coco


python main.py --mode test --inception_path ConvNets/mobilenet_v2.pb --image_path Images/library.jpg 

Generate Model

If the model have been trained, a convenient shell file is available at generate.sh

python main.py --mode test --image_path ./Images/street.jpg --inception_path ./ConvNets/mobilenet_v2.pb --saveencoder --savedecoder

cd utils
python save_graph.py --mode encoder --model_folder ../model/Encoder/
python save_graph.py --mode decoder --model_folder ../model/Decoder/

# generate .pb
# for now, pb is enough for inference
python merge_graphs.py --encpb ../model/Trained_Graphs/encoder_frozen_model.pb --decpb ../model/Trained_Graphs/decoder_frozen_model.pb

cd model/Trained_Graphs/
# generate .tflite
# there are some ops not support in the latest tflite library
tflite_convert \
  --output_file=./merged_frozen_graph.tflite \
  --graph_def_file=./merged_frozen_graph.pb \
  --input_arrays=encoder/import/input \
  --input_shapes=1,224,224,3 \
