
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Porto Seguro

Build a model that predicts the probability that a driver will initiate an auto insurance claim in the next year.


Download data from the kaggle competiton and save in /data.


  • Understanding of the business problem to be solved
  • Explanation for decisions made in formulating your solution
  • Code quality
  • Packaging of solution
  • Evaluation of solution vs. baseline


Need some version of Python3.9 in $PythonPath then use pipenv to install dependencies:

    $PythonPath\python.exe -m pip install pipenv
    set PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="enabled"
    pipenv install -d
    pipenv shell
    cd src

Conda environment

To use a conda environment and make it discoverable by Jupyter (EDA notebook or if conda preferred over pipenv) run the following:

    conda env update -f env.yml
    conda activate ami
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name ami --display-name "AMI (python 3.9)"

Unit\Integration Tests

Run unit tests locally

    python -m pytest tests/unit

Model Pipeline

Execute Pipeline.ipynb to execute the Model building and Scoring notebooks.

** In order for scoring to work you'll need to run the Baseline model which takes over 2 hours.

TODO: Export Baseline parameters or predictions so training is not necessary