
Irrigation System for the 1st PBL of Digital Circuits (2024.1)

Primary LanguageTeX

Automated Irrigation System

At A Glance


  • Automatically selects the irrigation mode, reading data from environment sensors
  • Enables the alarm in case of low water level or conflicting sensors
  • Displays the water's level and irrigation mode
  • Stops the irrigation if the water tank is on critical level


  1. Open the Intel Quatus II
  2. Open Project (or Ctrl + J)
  3. Select irrigation_system
  4. Compile Project
  5. Open the Programmer and send to the board


  • LEDS-CPLD Development Kit, using a EPM240T100C5N (MAX II)
  • Verilog HDL
  • Quartus II 20.11.1


  • Cláudio Daniel
  • Paulo Gabriel
  • Paulo Henrique


DIAS, Anfranserai. Manual do Kit LEDS-CPLD. https://drive.google.com/file/d/168zWlJU0rbnq3q8QJXnrwRY8iO6Ds2xQ/view.

FLOYD, T. Funções da Lógica Combinacional. In: JÚNIOR, A. P. (Ed.). Sistemas Digitais: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Tradução: José Lucimar Do Nascimento. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2007b. p. 312–364.