
Example code to interface a Sainsmart 6-axis robot to Azure IoT Hub or IoT Central

Primary LanguageJavaScript

services platforms author
iot-hub, iot-central

Azure IoT Hub/IoT Central Sainsmart 6-Axis Robot Interface

This utilizes the Azure IoT Node.js SDK to connect to the a Sainsmart 6 Axis robot. This connector provides a set of device commands that can be used to reposition the various servo motors on the robot.

How To Configure This Device Connector

In a connect.json file, you'll need to provide the idScope, deviceId, and connection key that are displayed when you select "Connect" from the device view inside of IoT Central

{ "idScope" : "0ne00000000", "deviceId" : "MyRobot", "symmetricKey" : "z11uz4E35gO0Z9uI0PYcVm/twUyAm/iJovuMk8A2xpo=", }

In the config.json, you specify the mapping between the functional elements of the robot and the servo motor that is connected to that function. The first parameter is the servo motor I/O channel, the second and third are the limits of movement, and the fourth parameter is the degrees of range of motion for that motor/axis.

"baseRotationConfig" : [3,148,611,180], "upperArmExtensionConfig" : [5,230,560,100], "lowerArmExtensionConfig" : [4,166,254,100], "wristRollConfig" : [2,166,606,180], "wristTiltConfig" : [0,250,431,90], "handRotationConfig" : [1,149,558,180]

How To Run This Device Connector

Launch index.js to execute this connector.


This connector allows you to manipulate the position of the various axes of the robot.