Python Final 2022

The team members working on this project are Ricky, Colin, and Joe.

The idea for our project is to create a program that can play music and songs using an external music package.
We are planning on using pycharm to program and share the code in live time.
We are also going to be using GitHub to share the code with each other when we are working on it,
not at the same time, and to more easily access it from different computers.

The safe goal for our project is to create a program that will play different songs from a pre-programmed list
of songs. Our stretch goal will be to make it so we can use our keyboard like a piano and save that as
a song that can be played back as well as add a way to import different songs through an imported
file and put them into a list.

  • What types of packages we will need to make this program
  • Create and share a common project for all members to work on and pull from
  • Find out the API and what functions the package(s) offer
  • Create the different files and folders we will need while continuing to document our changes
  • Create utility functions
  • Create music-related functions using the API
  • Populate a list of songs the user can pick from
  • Find ways to allow users to import their files into the program
  • Create an interface that shows a piano with its keymap
  • Get the keys pressed input to play music like its a piano
  • Find way to save the inputted keys into a file and/or list for future use

How to setup a song file

  • First you must have the song name, time sig and the tempo/bmp
    • Ex: "test song 1","2/4","125"
  • Then you will have the instrument, the key, and a note/description
    • Ex: "piano","c","desc"
  • Then on the following lines you can have the note and length in beats held for
    • Ex: "a2",1.5
  • An example file will look like
    "test song 1","2/4","125"