Data Scientist (#rstats, SAS, Alteryx). Master's of Applied Statistics. Public health interests. @rick_pack2 on Twitter.
RickPack's Followers
- ishandutta2007India
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- andrewallenbruceGeorgia
- JamosW
- BB1464Research Assistant at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
- nisarghandePune, India
- pkpatricia
- IndrajeetPatilMunich
- patelaryan7751@coronasafe
- MrMisfit5150
- nagalr
- sunn-eIndian Institute Of Information Technology,Nagpur
- kuhlaidUNC - Chapel Hill
- shayan-taheriAtlanta, Georgia, America
- brshalloNetApp
- chicago-joeChicago, Illinois
- AragondaJyosnaIndia
- dhruvsakalleyLexis Nexis
- ashtondrewKDV Decision Analysis LLC
- trforeUnited States
- yeziaa
- dgershman@radiusmethod
- vkoulBooking.com
- batpigandme@tidyverse
- eoyountUnited States
- jmstines
- PirateGruntPirateGrunt LLC
- gnfrazierCentral North Carolina