We all know the Content Type Publishing Hub introduced in SharePoint 2010. It helps to manage and publish Content Types. Since then Microsoft hasn't changed the concept or how it works.
Now what are the positive things about the Content Type Hub.
- Reusabillity of Content Types
- The Content Types are centrally managed
- It helps with corporate branding and Office templates
But there are also some negative things about it:
- We have no idea where Content Types are deployed
- Limited to only 20 Content Types
- You have no warning if something is about to go wrong and if something does go wrong then good luck finding the error.
So what's missing then
- Know where Content Types are deployed
- Versioning
- Pillar Support
- The ability to have multiple Content Type hubs
- Descent logging and status reports
- Performance can be improved
For this reason there is now a Community Content Type Hub. This Content Type Hub is a provider hosted app and Azure webjobs.