Welcome to the best Python template ever.
This Python template includes: modern Python tools, handy scripts for development and testing, VS Code extension recommendations, VS Code settings and launch configurations.
What's inside:
- bandit
- black
- coverage
- debugpy
- mypy
- pytest
- python-dotenv
- pyperf
- ruff
- taskipy
- watchfiles
# get brew from https://brew.sh
# install poetry
brew install poetry
# create a virtual environment in this project
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry env use 3.11
# activate the virtual environment and install dependencies
source .venv/bin/activate
poetry install
# build project to install mypy dependencies
poetry run task build
# run the 'app' module with automatic restarts
poetry run task dev
# run the 'tests' module with pytest just once
poetry run task test
# run the 'tests' module with pytest with automatic restarts
poetry run task devtest
# debug the 'app' module on port 5678 with automatic restarts
poetry run task debug
# format all the code
poetry run task format
# typecheck all the code
poetry run task typecheck
# lint all the code (lints are extra rules agreed upon by the team)
poetry run task lint
# run all build steps: lint, format, typecheck, audit, test and coverage
poetry run task build
- Better TOML
- DotENV
- Jupyter
- Jupyter Keymap
- Jupyter Notebook Render
- Pylance
- Python
- Python Indent
- python snippets
- Python Type Hint
- Ruff
- Tabnine AI ✨
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0, or GPLv3).