
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This project is mainly for translative works, and there's nothing relevant directly to computer technology. And the project is under 'GNU General Public License v3.0'. For further details about law and policy, check the document and discuss with experts to law.

First, translation of natural languages is a domain where there is sometimes no absolutely correct answer. Thus, maybe you don't like a work translated by someone, and you can translate it again by yourself. Second, maybe you have some translative works which you want to share with community on Internet. So you can consider to join this project and upload your own translative works to GitHub platform after learning basic techniques and concepts to use 'git'.

Although 'git' is a popular tool amoung community of computer engineering and first created by Linus Torvalds, who is also father of Linux OS, it works not only in computer engineering but also in other domains. Actually, it's mainly a tool for version control, which is also a part of project management. You can use 'git' to control versions of your electronic files including documents under specific folders on your computer.

On the other hand, GitHub is one of famous platforms with 'git' for hosting electronic files. (mainly for software projects) If you have some electronic files to share with public for free, e.g. free softwares, compositions, electronic works of art, ...etc, then GitHub is one of famous places for you to sharing something.

If you want to contribute to the translative project for interest, make a request to us.