Pedestrian Simulation via Hololens and ROS


  • Unity 2018.x
  • .Net 4.x
  • Visual Studio 2017+

Tested with:

  • Unity 2018.2.17f
  • Visual Studio 15.9.3
  • .Net 4.x equivalent


Unity (Windows or Mac System)

  • Download project.
  • Open the project which is the ACL_Holo_ROS/ACL_Holo_ROS folder
  • In Unity, Open a scene under the Scenes folder
  • In the PedestrianController object, change the serverURL to your ROS URL.
  • Build (Ctr+Shift+B) to a new folder (make sure Unity C# Projects debugging is off.
  • Once the project is done building, navigate to the .sln file, (ex: BaseProject.sln)
  • Deploy to the Hololens within Visual Studio using these instructions.

ROS (Linux System)

Any ROS publisher that uses WebSocket (with port 9090) will work. To use the pedestrian simulation engine follow these instructions. Note: It is useful to assign a static IP to this computer so you do not have to recompile the project everytime the IP changes.

Affiliation: MIT ACL