
face plus plus detection sdk for Golang 人脸识别api

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


face++ detection sdk for Golang 人脸识别api


Download and install
go get github.com/google/go-querystring/query

Quick Start

Download the sdk
  • go get github.com/RickyShiJs/faceplusGo
Input your api_key and api_secret in api/faceApi.go
var (
	apiKey    = "<Api_Key>"
	apiSecret = "<Api_Secret>"
Run test demo by following command
go build

How to Use

package main

import (

import "encoding/json"

func main() {
	var f api.FaceApi
	var params models.DetectRequestBody
	params.Url = "http://tpic.home.news.cn/xhCloudNewsPic/xhpic1501/M06/23/24/wKhTlVfGjmuEW0rbAAAAADcO2D8123.jpg"
	params.Attribute = "gender,age,race,smiling,glass,pose"
	params.Mode = "oneface"
	// More params supportted
	res := f.Execute("/detection/detect", params)
	var responseBody models.DetectResponseBody
	json.Unmarshal(res, &responseBody)
	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", responseBody)
		{SessionId:6fa8dcd3aa0b43ffb1fada4286c44bfa Url:http://tpic.home.news.cn/xhCloudNewsPic/xhpic1501/M06/23/24/wKhTlVfGjmuEW0rbAAAAADcO2D8123.jpg ImgId:4771e7e44ff19973d89176eedc2a3765 ImgWidth:380 ImgHeight:455 Face:[{FaceId:3dd9648e191ae01315c448697af42c2e Tag: Position:{Center:{X:59
.210526 Y:19.56044} EyeLeft:{X:53.334736 Y:18.272549} EyeRight:{X:61.272106 Y:15.208923} MouthLeft:{X:56.951054 Y:24.726593} MouthRight:{X:63.446053 Y:22.08879} Nose:{X:60.967632 Y:20.624834} Width:18.421053 Height:15.384615} Attribute:{Age:{Range:5 Value:29} Gender:{Confidence:99.9
999 Value:Female} Glass:{Confidence:99.9344 Value:None} Pose:{PitchAngle:{Value:2e-06} RollAngle:{Value:-24.8042} YawAngle:{Value:21.697386}} Race:{Confidence:82.8659 Value:Asian} Smiling:{Value:70.6813}}}]}




It contains the go structs for DetectRequestBody and DetectResponseBody, it help us to get and set value by . method easily


The main SDK


Sample for new user


  • It is not whole face++ go api, only /detection/detect
  • Only implement the /detection/detect with url mode, will refine to support image upload later