
Coding tournament 2018

Primary LanguageCSS


Deliktum.com is a free platform for the public to report crimes on Quito. This platform was also changed a bit to be used in the last earthquake in Ecuador. The technologies and stacks used at the time were Google Maps, JS Backbone and Ruby on Rails.

The main idea is to revamp Deliktum using a modern approach and stack.

Introduction slides here.


  • Javascript as the main Language
    • Recommended Frontend Frameworks
      • ReactJS
      • Angular+
      • Vue.JS
    • Recommended Backend Frameworks
      • Express
      • Loopback
      • Hapi
      • Or any other modern and open source NodeJs framework of your choosing
    • Recommended Storage
      • MongoDB
      • Or any other modern and open source NoSQL database of your choosing
    • Recommended Map Platforms
      • Google Maps
      • OpenStreet Maps
      • Leaflet
      • Or any other modern Map platform of your choosing

You have the liberty to use any other dependencies or NPM packages commonly used in the JS community.


A simple functional UI experience is expected without emulating or doing a pixel perfect implementation on how Deliktum currently looks.

1.- The main view of the app should be the map that is zoomed automatically to show all events displayed in the map. Render a Map component that let you click on certain points on the map to retrieve the location information and also click on displayed items that show the detailed information of an event.

2.- Events in the map should be clustered depending on Zoom level.

3.- There should be a button to report an event, clicking on it should open the form to create an event (Panel should slide from right, open in a modal or something else, be creative!) Use the following fields:

  • Description (Text field)
  • Type of event (Relationship to an Entity for type of events)
  • Date and time of the event (default value is current time, but user can select a different date from the past)
  • Location (User should click on map to get location - latitude,longitude -)
  • Image

4.- As a user I should be able to filter the events by type of event or point in time (all, today, last week, last month, last year).

5.- There should be a Feed sidebar that displays the last 10 events with option to load more. If I click on an event in this feed the main map zooms and the Info window is opened automatically.

6.- Every event needs a unique URL to be easily shared to other persons. This unique URl zooms the map and opens an Event Info Window automatically.

7.- Extra Points:

  • Retrieve user current location and zoom to the location
  • Use Material Design, Semantic-UI, Bootstrap, etc...
  • Responsive
  • Configurable to use in other cities/regions
  • Multilingual support
  • Automatic Testing

The evaluation criteria

  • Frontend (100%)

    • Features (25%)
    • Maps integration (15%)
    • Code Modularity (15%)
    • SOLID principles (15%)
    • State management (10%)
    • Browser API (5%)
    • UI (15%)
    • Dependencies Usage (5%)
    • Documentation (5%)
  • Backend (100%)

    • REST or GraphQL endpoints (25%)
    • Data Modeling and MongoDB Use (10%)
    • Security (10%)
    • Code Modularity (15%)
    • SOLID principles (10%)
    • Framework knowledge (10%)
    • Performance (10%)
    • Dependencies Usage (5%)
    • Documentation (5%)

Process to send your work

  • Fork this repository in your own Github account
  • Clone your forked repository and work locally
  • Push your changes to your forked repository
  • Create a Pull request from your forked repository into this repository
  • Create a detailed description in your Pull request. Things to include:
    • Full Name and ID
    • Features included in the Code
    • Incomplete or buggy features
    • Any final comments about the Challenge

Tech Rules

  • Any attempt to use outside help will disqualify the challenge
  • The PR should be sent before the Challenge ending time
  • We will only accept commits before the challenge time ending. Any attempt to manipulate or rewrite the commit history will make the PR disqualified
  • Features that are not specified in the specs won't change the final score
  • Extra specs will improve the final score and will be analyzed and scored independently