
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Mentor - Age calculator app solution

This is a solution to the Age calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor

Table of contents


The challenge

  • View an age in years, months, and days after submitting a valid date through the form
  • Receive validation errors if:
    • Any field is empty when the form is submitted
    • The day number is not between 1-31
    • The month number is not between 1-12
    • The year is in the future
    • The date is invalid e.g. 31/04/1991 (there are 30 days in April)
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Bonus: See the age numbers animate to their final number when the form is submitted


The following screenshots shows both the mobile and desktop version of the project.


My process

  • First build the mobile version of the application and then desktop version,finally implement the javascript logic.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Responsive web design.
  • Mobile-first workflow.
  • Tailwind css.

What I learned

  • I has been a while since I said that I would be using tailwind css,however I have found it to be a useful tool indeed.I have also learnt that the for each loop js can return a value.

Continued development

I will continue learning and developing javascript validation forms and make them to be more efficient and useful.

Useful resources

  • Tools - This helped me for color and web testing tools. I really liked this pattern and will use it going forward.

  • Tools - This is stack overflow page which describes on cheking if a date is valid or not.



I would like to acknowlegde Jonas schmedtman for the great skills he has offered me in his javascript courses.Furthermore I would like to pass my gratitude towards Kevin powell a great css master who has sharpened my css skills and responsive web design in general.

I would like to acknowledge the developers of Tailwind css.