
Self-pretraining code in python. A semi-supervised model for text classification.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This is a Python code for the paper below:
Semi-Supervised Text Classification via Self-Pretraining, Payam Karisani, Negin Karisani. WSDM 2021. Link


  • Python (>= 3.7.0)
  • Numpy (>= 1.18.5)
  • Pytorch (>= 1.4.0)

The input files (train, test, or unlabeled) should contain one document per line. Each line should have 4 attributes (tab separated):

  1. A unique document id (integer)
  2. A binary label (integer):
    • The number 1 for negative documents
    • The number 3 for positive documents
    • If the document is unlabeled this column is ignored
  3. Domain (string): a keyword describing the topic of the document
  4. Document body (string)

See the file “sample.train” for a sample input.

Training and Evaluation
Below you can see an example command to run the code. This command tells the code to use a subset of the documents in the training and the unlabeled sets to train a model and evaluate in the test set—F1 measure is printed at the end of the execution.

python -m self_pretraining.src.MainThread --cmd bert_reg \
--itr 3 \
--model_path /user/desktop/bert-base-uncased/ \
--train_path /user/desktop/data/data.train \
--test_path /user/desktop/data/data.test \
--unlabeled_path /user/desktop/data/data.unlabeled \
--output_dir /user/desktop/output \
--device 0 \
--seed 666 \
--train_sample 500 \
--unlabeled_sample 10000 

The arguments are explained below:

  • “--itr”: The number of iterations to run the experiment with different random seeds
  • “--model_path”: The path to the huggingface pretrained bert
  • “--train_path”: The path to the train file
  • “--test_path”: The path to the test file
  • “--unlabeled_path”: The path to the unlabeld file
  • “--output_dir”: A directory to be used for temporary files
  • “--device”: GPU identifier
  • “--seed”: Random seed
  • “--train_sample”: The number of documents to sample from the original labeled set to be used as the training data
  • “--unlabeled_sample”: The number of unlabeled documents to sample from the unlabeled set to be used in the model


  • The code uses the huggingface pretrained bert model: Link
  • The hyper-paremeters are set to their default values reported in the paper. You may need to change them, they are global values in the class “EPretrainProj”
  • The batch size is set to 32.