Ride The Lightning - A full function web browser app for LND and C-Lightning.
- 11
- 3
Liquidity Ads Interface
#67 opened by saubyk - 0
Liquidity Ads configuration
#66 opened by saubyk - 2
Tooltip on inputbox
#40 opened by ShahanaFarooqui - 0
Move Query Routes to Graph Lookup
#65 opened by diogorsergio - 0
Offers - Draft Bolt12
#64 opened by diogorsergio - 2
- 3
A graph to show the routing fee earned.
#31 opened by saubyk - 5
RTL - Login page design
#58 opened by saubyk - 3
Reorganize the settings page
#57 opened by saubyk - 3
Optional swap service experience standardization
#54 opened by saubyk - 0
RTL Website template
#55 opened by saubyk - 0
Monthly summary of payments sent and received
#53 opened by saubyk - 1
balance score overhaul
#51 opened by seth586 - 0
Monthly Routing Fee Summary
#52 opened by saubyk - 0
Update Password - Confirmation
#50 opened by diogorsergio - 1
Node setup config via the UI
#37 opened by saubyk - 2
Two Factor Authentication Settings
#38 opened by ShahanaFarooqui - 1
[Feature Request] - Display QR code for pubkey
#15 opened by saubyk - 1
- 1
[Feature Request] - Invoice expiry time period
#14 opened by saubyk - 2
Multinode configuration through UI
#28 opened by ShahanaFarooqui - 0
Graph view of the Query Routes - Under Payments
#29 opened by saubyk - 0
Infographic for circular rebalancing
#36 opened by saubyk - 0
- 1
Home Page Dashboard - Routing Node Operator
#30 opened by saubyk - 1
Home Page Dashboard - Merchant Node Persona
#32 opened by saubyk - 1
[UI] - minor change to copy
#13 opened by ShahanaFarooqui