This mod add a lot of automation and is heavily inspired by games like Factorio and Satisfactory and modded minecraft MFFR.
It adds machines that can replace pawns for working, so your pawns can do other stuff like chilling, raiding and defending your colony. Its focused around crafting and resource gathering and have no stuff for raid/defence/medical.
(outdated, will get updated soon) Kitchen
- 2 Auto cooker
- 1 Meat grinder (New)
- 1 Food prepper (support for other mods)(New)
- 1 Auto Fermenting barrel (New) Resource gathering
- 3 Miners / Quarry / Deep drills (New) Farming and Animals
- 4 Cultivator machines/harvesters
- 1 Sprinkler (Original)
- 1 Animal manager / auto killer (New)
- 3 Animal Harvesters (milk, egg, fur) Automations 1 Smart Hopper
- 1 Item Pusher (New)
- 1 Fueling machine Production
- 2 Assemblers + 1 Recorder(copy bills)
- 1 Recycler to recycle apperal, weapons & armor (New) Storage management
- 2 Storage crates
- 1 Digital Storage Unit
- 1 In/Out port for Wireless Storage Other
- 2 Striped factory floors (New)
- 6 Floor signs (New)
This was my Favorite mod in B18 and B19 and there never really came a 1.0 or 1.1 So i was looking into updating it, since Spdskatr properbly wont come back. i saw AbnerChen made asemblies update and created a PR but Spdskatr didnt update.
I used this in combination with my own work and original to update to 1.1 I hope this mod can be a Continuation of Spdskatr excellent mod. i dont want credit, i really just want my favorite mod back to rimworld 1.1/1.2 standard
- RimFridge
- Ogrestack / StackXl
This mod is created, maintained and updated by so many great ppl. It have grown huge collection of talented ppl that have contributed to make this mod great.
Zymex - updater of this revived version Spdskatr - Rimfactory original! see: Nobo / Nullre - For porting thing from NR_AutoMachineTools to prf and genral C#
Coders: Spdskatr, Nobo, abnerchen, LWM, Sn1p3rr3c0n Artists: Shotgunfrenzy, Chicken Plucker, Xen, Scythe, totobrother, "unknown alien", Argon
Translaters: Russian: Natsu_Zirok, Chinese Simplified: 十里小飞 , Chinese Traditional: AbnerChen
Resources: Freepik, Flaticon Other worth mentioning: Malkav, Thornsworth,