I'm curious, enthusiastic and student most of the time, like the rest of the time to write code, especially in javascript.
ridermansb.devBelo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
Ridermansb's Following
- acdlite@vercel
- addyosmaniGoogle
- arthurxavierxBelo Horizonte, Brazil
- bookercodes@Clerk
- brunoheringerBelo Horizonte
- derekstavis@brexhq
- developit@Shopify
- EriksRemessSaldus, Latvia
- felipekzige-core
- FlorianWoelki@traderepublic
- keldolabelaBelo Horizonte, MG
- kentcdodds@epicweb-dev
- laryssamagalhaes@Letras-mus-br
- lejoaoconteBrazil
- lighthousebot@GoogleChrome
- lund0nProcore
- lwearsSALT
- marcelodolzaManchester, United Kingdom
- marvinhagemeisterGermany
- massaakidaily.ai
- MikeRogers0London, UK
- obetomuniz@grafana
- pablodenadai
- pantuza@doximity
- rafaelromaoAvenue Code LLC
- raycast
- rodrigosalingLeague
- rtivital
- tgmarinho@Popstand
- themindfuldev@asana
- timneutkensVercel
- tjwebb@google @GoogleCloudPlatform
- TkDodoVienna, Austria
- vedovelliEvergreen Treinamentos
- viniciuswovst-dev