
This is a very simple Telegram Files Rename Bot by @AbirHasan2005.


  • Rename Videos, Files or Audios.
  • Permanent Custom Thumbnail Support.
  • Very User-Friendly.
  • MongoDB Based Database.
  • Time Gap Support.
  • Use Default Video Thumbnail after Rename. It will not Generate New if Video already has thumbnail.
  • Set Custom Caption.
  • Set Prefix for File Rename.
  • Set Upload Mode. Upload as Document or Not.
  • Heroku Deployable :)

BotFather Commands:

start - Start Bot
settings - Show Settings Panel
delete_thumbnail - Delete Custom Thumbnail.
delete_caption - Delete Caption.
broadcast - Broadcast Message. (Admin Only)
status - Show Users Count in DB. (Admin Only)

Support Group

Deploy to Heroku

Easy to Deploy to Heroku.

Video Tutorial:


Press Below Button to Deploy!


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