Generates Global Trade Item Numbers (formerly known as EANs) for a given Global Company Prefix.
npm install gtin-manager
// or
yarn add gtin-manager
Create a generator instance using a GCP (Global Company Prefix) provided by GS1.
import Manager from 'gtin-manager'
const manager = new Manager('12345678')
Returns the amount of possible GTINs that can be created from the current GCP.
manager.contingent === 10000 // true
Returns GTIN / EAN for an index (which has to be inside the bounds of manager.contingent
manager.index(0) === '1234567800004' // true
manager.index(9999) === '1234567899992' // true
manager.index(10000) // Error: Index out of bounds
manager.index(-1) // Error: Index out of bounds
Returns an array of all possible GTINs / EANs for the GCP.
manager.all === ['1234567800011', '1234567800028', ... 9998 more items] // true
🌻 Thanks to xbpf/gtin for providing functions used in this repository.